Untitled Part 1

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It started simple enough.

"Morning Ed" Oswald mumbled sleepily as his best friend sat himself down at the breakfast table. "Good morning Oswald. I trust the meeting with the leaders of the crime families went well" Edward replied cheerfully. Whether it was the lack of constant hangovers or whether Ed was naturally a morning person Oswald couldn't tell, either way his hopefully soon to be chief of staff was always up and about long before he was. Yet he still took the time to sit down with Oswald and have breakfast almost every morning which was a kindness that did not go unappreciated. It was nice to have someone to talk to. "It was a total disaster" Oswald groaned, taking a swig of tea. Ed grimaced sympathetically then leant forwards expectantly, eagerly awaiting the rest of the story. There was a pause and Penguin sighed heavily. 

"You'd think that after everything I've done, toppling Falcone, Fish and Maroni single-handed, the criminal classes would show me some respect. Well one thing's for sure my friend, the last thing I felt during that meeting was respect" he burst out furiously. "Anyone who doesn't respect you is an idiot" Ed assured him. How anyone could fail to appreciate the brilliance of the man sat opposite him was a mystery Ed had so far been unable to solve. "You can say that again" Penguin grumbled, glaring at his croissant as though it to had personally offended him. "That wasn't an invitation by the way" he added hastily as Edward opened his mouth. Ed's face fell slightly and he remained silent. There was a pause and then finally, unable to contain his anger, Oswald continued.

"What gets me the most is the pathetic excuse they are using to try and push me out. It's ridiculous."

"Ooh, do tell."

"They are saying that only a member of a true crime family can rule Gotham. That because I'm alone I don't have the strength that it takes to lead. If anything it's the opposite in my opinion. These crime families have a terrible habit of stabbing each other in the back. You and I on the other hand have a friendship built on trust and loyalty which is more than they will ever have. Unfortunately good friends are not enough to satisfy the entry requirements. They respect blood, and blood alone" Oswald finished bitterly.  "Hmm, I can see the problem" Edward muttered, resting his chin on his hands "It's going to be hard to find a way to please them. Of course, we do have the ability and the means to force them to yield but the last thing we need right now is unnecessary unpleasantries. Not with your election approaching. We need to keep your image as free from criminal activity as possible so a safer and less conspicuous manipulation would be preferable."

"Now that's another thing that has been bothering me, this whole mayor business" Penguin grumbled. Ed gaped at him in confusion. "Why?!" he gasped "I thought you wanted to be mayor." "Oh I do" Penguin assured him "I'm just beginning to think that this campaign might be more trouble than it's worth. Do you honestly think even if we pay of every one we possibly can we'll be able to secure a victory by simply riding on the success of that business with the Indian Hill monsters?" Ed's mouth had become a thin line of angry disapproval yet he remained mute. He had made his views on buying off voters quite clear before but as of yet he had failed to get his friend to reconsider that particular decision. Never the less, he had to admit that Oswald had a point. Although their numbers in the pre-election polls were good they were not enough to guaranty a win. They were going to have to step up their game somehow.

Then all of a sudden an idea popped into his head. It was risky and unorthodox to be sure but it could be just what they were looking for. The question was, would Penguin agree to it? "Leave it to me Oswald" he said with a confident smile "I promise that by dinner time I will have found a way out of our current predicament." Oswald beamed back at him. "Thank you my friend. It's such a welcome change to have someone one whom I can thoroughly rely" he replied warmly. The matter thus settled satisfactorily, Edward began double checking the schedule for the coming day whilst Oswald continued his breakfast in decidedly happier spirits than when he had started.

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