Chapter 1: Shelly's Tour

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Ah, the Devon Corporation. My dream job for years. A place where I could apply my degree in Earth Science. I was excited. What could be in store for me? I did't know who was there. I didn't know what it's like. All I knew was this: It would be a challenge.
As I entered, I immediately saw a familiar face. Michelle Tempeste, a blue-eyed, brown-haired woman with a love of all things related to aquatics. Beautiful, yes, but not my type. She seemed to have recognized me as well. "TabiTabi!" she chimed as she saw me.
"Please don't call me that, Shelly." I responded gruffly.
"Sorry, Tabitha."
She smirked at me. "So, you got the job?"
"Yes I did. I'm quite excited."
"Great! I'll show you around." Shelly said, before running off.
I followed her, and she started giving me a tour of the place. It was a rather large building, so it took awhile to see everything. At last, she finally stopped. "... And that's about everything. I hope you found the tour useful."
"I did, thank you."
A bell rang throughout the building. "Oh!" Shelly exclaimed. "That's the lunch bell. See you later, Tabitha."
Lunch. I love lunch. I've always been somewhat of a glutton, so that word makes me happy. Of course, liking food hasn't always been good for me. Back in school, people would make fun of me for being chubby. Never a nice feeling.
Anyway, I went to the cafeteria. So many brilliant minds in one place... But all of the seats were taken. Even Shelly, who usually leaves one seat open, was surrounded. Luckily, there was one table that only had one person there. I shrugged and sat down accross from the girl at the table. Then she looked up at me. In a robotic-sounding voice, she spoke to me. "Tabitha?"
It was Courtney, one of the people that used to tease me.

What have I gotten myself into...

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