The Forest

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Me and my 4 friends went to a camp during one summer. We weren't the ones to enjoy the fun games or activities they offered. I was the shortest one of the 5. That summer was one of the things I would never forget. We all shared the same cabin, and it was one of the ones in the back. I had a white T-shirt on with plaid pajama pants, well we all did. It was on a Saturday night but we didn’t really know if it was after midnight. Out of all of us one had a flashlight, Thomas. We all called him Tommy though, we never knew why though. I had suggested that we go out into the woods behind the cabins, which surrounded this deserted place. We all packed snacks, and first aid. As we headed out we was confident and was fierce. After about 5 minutes we could hear steps, but they weren’t ours. I made everyone stop to hear but it stopped to. They all assured me it was them. I didn’t believe them, and i remember us walking again and hearing it even closer. I looked over at one of my friends with a petrified look, he glared at me with a ‘what now?’ Look. I whispered to him, “Devin listen...shh.” He nodded to everyone making them become silent. We heard a crunch from a twig snapping and we jolted back toward the direction of the cabins but we somehow got lost. I’ve could’ve sworn we walked past the burnt down tree before we even started. But now it’s just …..gone. I became all scared,my body tensed up and we all stood in confusion. My black wavy hair ruffled through the air as it blew, my tennis shoes were covered with dirt from the run. Tommy had wandered off while we all was in the mist of being scared but trying to comprehend what happened. We all eventually got up and didn’t even try to think to count heads. Soon enough we reach our old broken down cabin, me being an insomniac I could not sleep but everyone slept just in a flicker. I had the bottom bunker to mine and Tommy’s bed. That night I could hear scratching here and there. I tell myself that the scratching sounds was probably an animal. I choose to ignore the scratching sounds at the door, the ones from inside the closet, and the ones under the bed even though I can feel them tearing through the bottom of the mattress.

Two days have past and no one seemed to miss Tommy,it’s like he never existed. We got back to our cabin at the end of the day and I noticed Tommy’s sneakers beside our bed. I looked over at the other guys, they all were talking away about some random girl that was in the swimming activity. I screamed the softest tone to them, “Guys! Where the heck is Tommy?!” They all immediately stopped and we all gathered around in a circle. We made a plan to go back into the woods that night to find him. I felt like I was going to straight of reek at the idea, I feared not just for my being but for my friends. Devins flashlight batteries were still up in running which was good, we headed out. We didn’t want to scream to draw attention so we decided to part ways. I went with Devin and the other two went their way. After about 10 minutes of searching for Tommy we heard someone or people running, we quickly looked around and saw the other two. I was relieved until Mitchell spoke up with what breathe he had, he was wheezing, he stated, “We found a tunnel down by the creek, we thought we heard Tommy’s voice.” My mind told me to run and not stop until I reached the destination so I did that. I made Devin reach me his flashlight and I tried to look inside but it was pitch black, so dark that no light could help see. After standing there we could eventually smell what smell like ‘Death’ I started to puke inside my mouth but I swallowed it. I was hoping it wasn’t Tommy. I got down in the water getting closer to it, I felt a sudden tap on my leg. I didn’t know what it was but I rushed right back out of the water. My jeans were drenched in frigid water. I looked at the others who were in complete fear. We all decided the next day we would tell one of the Head Scouts. We all dreaded the menacing walk back. We all decided to link arms and we headed back. We didn't hear anything, no stomping or crunching. Everyone was really tired so we slept. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, I headed out to the bathrooms. It was in the center of all the cabins. I could hear whispers coming from behind a stall door I was thinking it was ignorant kids, so I shrugged it off. As I went to use the stall next to it, I could hear a chuckle and I knew it wasn't a kid. I leaned my head down a little, and I seen no legs or nothing. I hurried and ran out not thinking about washing my hands. When I got back everyone was peacefully asleep. I went to lay down but I heard a creak I leaned back and saw the front door open slightly. The moonlight shown through what was open and I could see nothing, so I decided it was the wind. I go to shut and lock it but something hit it and I jolted scrambling to one of the others kids bed. It was Mitchell's and I woke him up and explained it, we both got scared and woke up the others. We all gathered covers and sat in a corner, Mitchell and Devin fell asleep pretty quick but I was the one to scared to sleep. Connor looked over at me, his eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep, he begin to talk “Is it just me, or can you hear whispering to?” I calmed my breathing down I heard it to. It sounded just like the one from the bathroom. I told him about it and we stayed up all night. The next day we all got ready for the day and we never mentioned what happened. No one talked about tommy, the whispers, the woods. All I could think about was what was heard from the whispers “You are next.” After the day was over i headed back to the same ole’ cabin. But when I got there Mitchell was screaming at the others. I asked what was going on, but as soon as I heard the name Tommy I knew what was going on. I drifted off thinking, until I heard “Adrian what do you think about this?” I remember myself zoned out after words and I woke up to the police asking me if I was okay. I wasn’t okay, my friend was gone. The most vivid sound from the voices struck me I fell to my knees. I wanted to scratch my ears off. The police rush me to the main building in the front. The place was filled with colorful pictures that children drew it was filled with happiness but it didn’t help. Tommy was gone. There was a distinct noise walking toward where I was sitting. I was rattled, but I saw it was one of my friends. My imagination was playing with me, I nervously smiled at myself. I needed to find Tommy. The cops had left but one stayed at the main entrance I was sent back to my cabin. The footsteps, and scratching had stop that night. My mind was far away from anything possible. Without warning a big bang was heard that what sounded like beside me. I got up out of my bed and screamed for Mitchell but he was gone. The door was open slightly and there was no proof of a break in. I woke Devin up and told him he went to wake up Connor. I remained silent, frozen. I took a few seconds to piece everything together. There was a clattering noise and our stuff was slung everywhere. We yelled in fear, soon an adult came in and they found 2 kids sitting in fear crying. I was the one crying. We swore to them that we didn’t do it, but they didn’t believe us. The woods, it’s all because we went into the woods. I couldn’t bear it any longer. We explained to the police everything once more and they did another search. They soon asked us about the tunnel. I mention that we looked at it trying to find out friend, that we didn’t see anything. The cop whispered to another, I couldn’t understand. The lady leaned down toward us getting on her knees, she looked worried. My sleepless tired eyes looked and when her lips started to move, “Are you talking about Thomas Patrick?” We all jumped and screamed yes, thinking he was found. But they all looked dead on the inside we stopped and waited for a response. The lady looked at all of us one by one, “He was a child who went here 10 years ago he died in the tunnel.” We all looked at each other. It all seemed like mumbo jumbo to me. A part of me just wanted to leave it all behind, but I also wanted to know more. Tommy….wasn’t real.

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