Emily Wilderness

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      It was a stormy night, branches of trees broke down by the furious wind.Thunder roared in the night sky and babies crying over the loud sound of thunder. Fireplaces's light glowed through the windows of houses. Flash of lightning across the dismal sky. A girl about twelve looked out of her bedroom window hugging a teddy bear in her chest;lost in thoughts. All of sudden her thoughts were disturbed by a small knock on her bedroom door. 'Emily?, are you there?, please come out..we need to talk', begged a woman's voice.
Emily looked over her shoulders, she wore a long pink nightdress and her dark hair was tied into a side braid. She reluctantly dropped her teddy onto the windowsill and walked towards the door. There stood a woman with short curly  brown hair and blue eyes. ' What do you want?...mother' , replied Emily coldly. ' Just come down and have supper with others', answered the woman. Emily followed  the woman downstairs to the kitchen and when she arrived to the kitchen three heads turned to face her and Emily quickly untied her braid and hid her face under her hair and sat next to a girl about her age. She had a long red curly hair. ' Yolanda will be your roommate, Emily. Behave yourself girls' said the woman. 'Sure....mother' said Emily. ' Emily Wilderness!' cried the woman, ' Just because the contract said "Starting from today Miss Evans Smith has agreed to adopt Emily Wilderness as a daughter" doesn't mean you have to call me "mother" just call me Miss Smith like the others do' explained Miss Smith with her hands on her hip. The boy who sat across Emily smiled at her with sympathy in his eyes and his bright green eyes sparkled. 'That's Robert', whispered Yolanda under her breath into Emily's ear. Emily just nodded and looked down towards the floor with her face hid under her long straight hair. They all started eating and the phone rang in the living room. Miss Smith got up saying ' You four carry on while I answer the phone'. The table was very quiet until a boy who sat beside Robert spoke up ' So, you're Emily Wilderness.. nice to have you here .. I'm Eddie Wyatt and that's Ro..' 'Roberts...yeah I know' said Emily softly still looking down towards the floor. Eddie was startled but he just said 'Welcome to Miss Smith Orphanages Shelter'
'Don't be shy, we all have the same life you know and Miss Smith is also fun but sometimes she can be annoying' said Roberts 'Yeah! Get to know all of us and you'll love us and besides you have a new school to look forward to and by the way how old are you?' asked Yolanda. 'I'm 12', replied Emily; her head still down, her face hidden beneath her hair and her fingers twirling around each other. ' Good then we'll be in the same class' cheered Yolanda and a sudden thunder made all three of them jumped expect Emily who just closed her eyes more......

    See you guys in the next chapter!Xoxo

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