Can you be my someone?

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Can you be my someone?

I don't know how to express myself, people may underestimate it. People may think that it's only 'ka-OA-han' or 'kaartehan'.
But if you are reading this, please know that it's not easy.

Not able to express your self is a torture, you can't express your anger, you can't show your sadness and you can't control your emotion.
It's like you're trapped in a cage full of monsters, your own monsters, a cage with a locked door and in your hands you hold the precious key to open it , but even if you hold the key, you're too scared to open that door, you're too scared that if you open that door there's more monster that will come out, monsters that you're not familiar with , a monsters that more terrifying than your own monsters in your cage. It's already horrible inside that cage, inside that dark and frightening cage. But the most frightening, terrifying and horrible thing is not the cage, it's not the darkness either. Its the monsters' voices, always there, always whispering, laughing, and torturing your mind.
And you don't have any choice but to hold on, hold on and wait for someone willing to help you, wait for someone who will encourage you to open the door and to assure you that there is no more monsters out there , wait for someone who will be willing to listen, someone who will assure you that 'its gonna be alright', someone who won't judge you and someone who will assure you that they are not monsters them selves.
But how long would you hold on? How long will it take to made up your mind and decided to give up? How long would you wait for your someone?

Can you be my someone? Because I'm already tired. I'm already tired on holding on.

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