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This project had been months long. After Viola had managed to talk Elder Maxson onto throwing a small victory party to boost up everyone's sprits, he put her in charge. The Institute was gone after all! Now all they needed to do was wipe out the last of the synths and their cause would have been complete.

The amount of work she put into everything was amazing. It was one of the things she knew best, back before the war, there was parties all the time. Given her family had the cash, they were pretty big. The brunette had a small team of others who helped her along, but this also meant Viola had to juggle both this and her duties as a knight. Which was the hardest part. Her sleeping schedule was taking the biggest hit and she found herself eating twice as much. Her days off were spent down on land, cleaning and fixing things. She wanted all this work to pay off, Danse had voiced his concern several times. The first was when she asked for his left overs, which was a first in general. The second was when they stopped for a moment, and in those few moments she had drifted off agaisnt a tree.

She knew Danse wasn't in favor of the idea, it often meant less time the two were together. He would occasionally have her camp down some place safe while her went off to deal with the smaller stuff, the ones he knew he could handle on his own. Viola knew that once he saw everything, he'd love it. On top of working on setting things up, some of the girls had talked her into also fixing up some dresses and tuxes they found. So one day was spent teaching whoever wanted to know sewing and such. The girls luckily learned fast enough to help the others who didn't while she got back to work.

Danse wasn't a fan of having to go off on his own, or see his partner so tired out. He knew she was a bit stubborn. He knew that she respected him and all, but she was bent on trying to make everyone feel like all their hard work had really paid off. She was like that. He did help where he could, using his suit to move the heavier bits of concrete. This was one of the few times he ever saw Viola wear her's, it was new but he liked that she was getting use out of it. Knowing Viola and her devotion to others, she wouldn't let this be some fizzed out get together.

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