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Lonnie stared into the void, the same lender as every year. This year it was Rapunzel's turn, The True Love .... Everyone will find it.... It will save you ... It will never leave you .... And it comes when you least expect it. Always the same ... Why, nasty question she asked herself again and again. Why did you tell them? Why do you need true love? Mulan's daughter had enough. She did not need anyone to make her life unnecessarily difficult. Only when May kicked her did she come back to reality. It was an unspoken agreement between the two. May knew how much Lonnie hated those speeches. Lonnie's older sister looked at her while. May did not want Lonnie to get in trouble again just because she was not listening to this event. Lonnie nodded to her sister, she did not want to incriminate her if she wanted to introduce her boyfriend to her parents today. Her gaze wandered around the hall, everyone who looked at her began to whisper. She knew that many thought she had a secret boyfriend. Anyway. The favorites in her fantasies were that she was with Ben, which is complete nonsense or with Jay. Lonnie hoped she would stand over this evening. When Rapunzel finished, everyone started clapping wildly.

The introduction of May's boyfriend was a complete success, which surprised everyone that Shang liked him right away. Her parents were talking to May's boyfriend and May looked worriedly at her little sister. "Lon, I know but are you sure?" May hated leaving her little fellow alone. "May, if you do not do something with your friend right now, it's your turn to burn." Lonnie looked threateningly at her. But May did not let up. "Are you ..." "Yes May I am, nothing happens to me, I do not think that happens to anything if I sit here." sighing, May got up and went to her boyfriend. Lonnie watched her big sister smiling.

An hour passed Lonnie sat watching, it was interesting how much one learns about someone, if you look closely. Lonnie noticed someone sitting next to her, but she did not take her eyes off the crowd. "Found someone who has danced himself?" she asked a familiar and amused voice. Slowly, Mulan's daughter turned and saw in Jay's eyes. "Well, can you tell me?" she asked with a grin. Jay leaned forward again and looked briefly into the dancing crowd. "Chad had almost no dance lessons, he is too cramped, he just looks at his feet, Ben, on the other hand, has his eyes only on time, he knows every dance by heart, that is clear with every movement, he is not insecure for a second. " Lonnie was not surprised. "That I would hear something like that from the Jay, I would not have thought." Jay turned his eyes back to Lonnie and looked at her in surprise. "And can the great Lonnie tell me why?" She bit her lip and started talking. "Well, first of all, you're Jay and not that kind of guy who cares about what others do, so it's very surprising that you are so well versed in others' behavior." Lonnie spoke like a water fall and only saw Jay in his eyes. A grin adorned his face. "Well Lonnie, there are more things you do not know about." His eyes sparkled cunningly. Normally, Lonnie did not care, but Jay had something that cast a spell over her. "Well then show me." She looked at him challengingly. Jay held out his hand. "Jay you do not have to dance with me." Lonnie said uncertainly, she did not want to dispute that gossip any more. "But I want to." he said with a gorgeous  smile, Lonnie slowly took his Hand. He pulled her onto the dance floor, and just started playing Tange, almost all of them left the dance floor except for Lonnie and Jay.

Breathing heavily, they looked at each other. "I did not think you could dance that way Lonnie." said Jay impressed. "Well, next time, you better be careful, Jay." She grinned at him, turned and walked back to her table. The hall filled it with applause and cheers. Jay just looked after her. He still could not believe how this beauty managed to turn his head over and over again.

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