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The Princess and the Dragon

The ancient tale of the prince saving the princess from the dragon comes to an end with the courageous princess Aaren.
    Aaren, a beautiful young maiden of 16, was born to Lechen and Kara and as a child she was happy , Learning how to bake, cook, and sew from her mother, but also how to hunt,skin, and work on the farm from her father. The happy times ended shortly after though because Lechen fell ill and passed away when Aaren was only at five years. The young girl weeped for many days after her father;s death and soon she had to start hunting for their was no one else that knew how to hunt and skin a beast in their household.The young girl found the passion that her father once had for hunting. At the age of seven, only after one and a half years of hunting she had already caught over 250 small animals.
The girl and her mother lived happily eating off the land  till Aaren's 10th birthday,That all changed when the king's wife passed and he had to have another wife or he and his family would be taken off the throne.  The main requirement was that the woman had to be a widow so a contest began between all the widowed women,for it was law for them to participate.Kara had won the contest and now she was Queen and her daughter a princess.
Aaren was not accepted right away by her step-brother James and by her step-sisters Rose and Amber, for it was that the two twin girls and the he boy had just lost their dear mother.
Within the next two years, Aaren had gained the trust and was now accepted by her step-family.After she had gained their trust, she would sometimes go hunting with the King and James, and both of them loved when she went for she was a better hunter than the two men combined.Sometimes the new princess would go shopping with her mother and her sisters.Much of the next 4 years was the same shopping,hunting and being a princess
Then on her 16 Birthday came the news that no one ever wanted to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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