Hugs not Drugs

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Sapphire switched off the light in the lab. The only sound that could be heard was the humming of the radiator. She locked the door and got into her car, and she set the GPS to direct her to Blue Moon. She knew the roads there like the back of her hand, but she liked to hear the voice of the machine. Soon Blue Moon came into view, just as classy as ever. The neon sign screamed tacky, and the blacked out windows were poorly painted, some chips were starting to peel off. She entered the building, and the smell of alcohol and sex hit her like a freight train. Some things you just never can get used to. The bouncer saw her and smirked as he pulled back the velvet rope; Regulars don't need ID.

The club was alive with the sultry bass of the stage's song. Lioness was in some tribal bikini, but with the tone of the outfit and the reflection from the lights, it looked like she was wearing nothing at all. A pathetic looking burly man in the front row definitely would love to see that. Lioness spotted her in the crowd and winked at her. A few men turned back at her with cursory glares. Sapphire just ignored them and headed towards the VIP room.

"Sweet Tea for an hour please." Sapphire handed the bouncer a wad of bills and strolled past him. Sweet Tea was sitting on the bed expectantly. She was wearing a plaid bra with daisy dukes. "I'm thinking War tonight." Sweet Tea smiled at her with dark eyes.

"Sounds good to me." Sapphire sat down at the edge of the bed and took a deck of cards out of her bag and began dealing. "You know, you don't have to pretend we're going to fuck every time I come here. It's not like anyone's watching."

"I know. But's it's fun to pretend. I'll get you one of these days." She giggled and Sapphire raised an eyebrow. People don't usually giggle when they say they want to bang you.

Ignoring her comment, the two get on with War. Halfway through their game, Sweet Tea hesitated to place her card down, and she dropped it with a sigh. "There's something I wanted to ask you." Sapphire looked up from her hand, confused as well as eager.

"Yeah. What's up"

"How much does it cost for your services?" Sapphire leaned back on her hands, pondering the question. "Well, I don't have a set rate. It usually depends on the person and how much they paid for the drug. If it's some high-class gang member with a lot of cocaine, it's more expensive. But if it's just some sad junkie who bought $5 pills off the street, I'm not gonna charge much. Why? Do you need anything tested?"

"Yes, actually." She pulled a bottle that was stashed inside the pillowcase and handed it to her.

"Okay...what are these?"

"That's the problem. I don't know. Mr. Sullivan gave them to me. I haven't taken them like he asked me to. I know he'd never hurt me, but that doesn't mean I can trust him."

"Did you ask anyone else if they'd taken them?" She looked down bashfully.

"Well no- but, I didn't want mister S getting mad at me." She was gesticulating wildly, and Sapphire grabbed her hands in an effort to calm her down.

"Relax. I get it. I'll test these first thing tomorrow morning. Okay?"


They finished the game and Sapphire went on her way.


At home, Sapphire set the bottle down on her kitchen counter. The small pills gave off such an eerie and domineering presence that she had to get them tested immediately. She snatched the pills off the counter and headed off to her lab. The drive was short, but it had felt like ages as her curiosity gnawed away at her.

She unlocked her lab and turned on the light and her equipment. The roaring hum of the machine set her at ease for a bit. She put one of the pills in the machine, and she sat down on a nearby chair, waiting for the analysis to be complete. After a few minutes, a cute "ding" signaled the completion of the tests. She read over the data and noticed something that made her heart stop and her body shiver. The tests found that the main component was Rohypnol, A date rape drug.


Author's note

Please give any and all feedback you can on this work. I'd love to know your thoughts. Also, there will be mature themes and mature content later on in the story. 

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