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Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elle, and I am a Spark.

You might ask, what is a Spark?

A Spark is a magical entity created by the Heavenly Creator to pass the art of magic to humankind. This act altered the path of human evolution. The mystical magic unleashed on the realm merged with civilization. Sparks passed their magical genes from generation to generation without knowing they were present.

This leads me to my informal introduction. Who am I? What am I? Has the creator sent me to warn humanity about the end of days?

I was found on the side of an Arizona highway by Mr. Gerald Darling. He had picked me up, laid me in the back seat of his rusted four-door Dodge truck, and driven me into his hometown in the mountains. I opened my eyes as he pulled into the parking lot of a run-down motel.

"It's going to be ok. I'm going to get you some help. I needed to get you off the highway. You'll be safe here, for now," Gerald had said to me as I sat in the backseat of his truck, wide-eyed and frightened.

It took a minute to understand what he was saying. My clothing was tattered, dried blood crusted on various parts of my body, and my head was bursting at the seams. Not to mention, I didn't know who I was or where I came from, nor did I have any identification to determine the answer to either question.

Gerald Darling seemed to understand. "You are safe here, Elle," he said with a smile. "I'll set you up for a few nights here to give me time to explain the situation to my wife. After that, you can come home with us, and we will figure it all out."

His kindness soothed the fear, and I nodded, agreeing with his offer to provide care. He paid for the motel room, bought me various snacks from a vending machine, and cleaned my more severe injuries.

It took about two days for his wife to become suspicious, and she showed up at the motel in a rage. I cried in the corner of my room as she banged angrily on the door, demanding I answer. She was certain I was her husband's mistress.

Gerald arrived shortly after with a bag of clothes and calmed her down before allowing her inside my room. I knew she was still furious with him for hiding me from her. The moment her eyes met mine, her anger faded. Where she had expected to see another woman, she found me with healing wounds and a frightened expression.

"Good Lord, Gerald, she's just a child, no more than twenty," she had said as she examined the cuts on my cheeks and forehead.

"Why do you think I've kept her here? I knew you would be angry with me if I brought her to the house without knowing who she was," Gerald replied as he placed the bag of clothes on the bed and stepped to stand near his wife.

"Oh, child, whoever hurt you will never hurt you again." Mrs. Darling held out her arms, and like a child, I ran to her sobbing.

I believed them. Even though I had no clue who had hurt me, I thought they would keep me safe.

It took some time for the words to come and even longer for me to speak to them. I knew what I was but not who I was. I knew I was a Spark. I remembered our history, but other than that, I needed to find out where I came from and how I ended up on the side of the highway.

Enough is enough about that.

Mr. and Mrs. Darling continued to call me Elle; therefore, that is who I am.

(PUBLISHED) Elle - (Wadens Legacies - Ancient Blood I)Where stories live. Discover now