the world behind the curtain

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silence engulfed the crowd as a gun shot was heard inside the building,the deafaning sound rang through the courtyard and traumatized multiple people.people became shook and scared as they were diverted into the nearby cafeteria."w-what just happened"asked nick,"we dont know were escorting people away from the location of the shots"said a girl standing beside the door,"MARY!?!?!"said nick,the two seemed to know eachother pretty well."what are you diong here"asked the girl who chris assumed to be mary,the two went into a deep conversation not even realizing chris was there."there you are babe,your not hurt are you"said the girl from before as she hugged him tightly.chris went into a mental meltdown,both mary and nick turned to see chris silently begging for help."mmm,you shouldnt treat your girlfriend like that babe"said the girl,"looks like you got a crazy one on ya"said mary,"eyes off b#### hes mine"said the girl threataningly."i dont even know your name?!?!?!"replied chris"you never asked me out and i never asked you out."said chris,she looked offended by his comment,chris backed down and let her do whatever she wanted.he didnt want to fight a crazy b#### on his first day at a new school."lucy give him some space"said nick,"do we need to go under the sheets before we can date or something"asked lucy,chris pushed himself away from her and feared for his life.he'd found a yandere on his first day at school.he wondered if this day could get any worse.

suddenly the principle walked in and announced that school was out for the day and that they would be calling parents to notify them of the change of schedule."umm so what are we gonna do now"asked nick,as they all filed out of the cafeteria each and every one of them though of what to do.most called their parents,sadly chris and his mom didnt have wifi,in fact they didnt even have running water or power for that matter."umm i know some places we can go" responded chris,chris,mary,and nick all vanished before lucy could find them

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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