Holding it in

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         Everyone has there days... right?? Well it was a specific girls turn. Except not just a day. Elementary school life's great loving, helpful, good friends. And then some man had to ruin it by making her attempting to commit suicide. Thank the lord it didn't work. Am I right or am I right? A year later it got so bad where her esophagus has gotten tight and had to move schools cause of bullying.
             One year later, at a church camp the girl got saved loved Jesus and was one happy soul. Then got made fun of for her size of forehead... she realized everywhere she goes she is going to have problems. Finally got her girl group and was set. The next year her girl group got closer and then broke apart.
            Then there was a day where the girl group got back together but plus one more. They decided going on the trampoline and looking at the stars would be a good idea. They all became closer that night because they all cried there eyes out trusting each other with what they have been holding in.
           The girl kinda sat there hugging others and telling them gods got a plan.. which is true. But she didn't get to let her feelings out... but that didn't matter. She got a little tears out later that night after karaoke and ice cream. She didn't care though.. she was glad her girl group was back and her friends are happy.
              Even with her rough past with trying to hurt herself. As long as her friends are happy she's okay. The group is very happy that they have the new member just makes it better. Even realized we don't need a group but it's good to know that the girl can break down and let it out instead of keeping it in to the point of hurting herself... fun fact "The girl" is me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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