Mr Black will have Tea with you now...

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The name was Black. Daz Black. Outgoing, magnificent, eccentric. These thoughts rattled round inside my mind as I rode the elevator to the top floor. A budding reporter, I had scored my first interview; interviewing the CEO of the Dazzling Tea enterprises. "He's plump, not chubby." "Don't ever assume anything you're not sure about" - Remindings from past co-workers brought themselves to the front of my memory as I elevated floor by floor by floor. Mr Black was not a man be trifled with. A soft ding announced the arriving of the top floor. I stepped out, made my way to where the door of his private room was, and rung the bell. A shrill "HAH!!" Rang out, in place of a bell-tone, causing me to jump, and the announcement of "Mr Black will see you now!" Followed soon after. Who was this man? What sort of a person really was he?
I pushed open the door, and stepped into the room. And there he was, magnificent in all his tea-leaved glory.

Cameras embedded in the walls, vlogging his every move. Flowing robes woven from the finest of tea-leaves, enshrouding the figure that loomed out on a balcony entwined with living tea vines of every different sub-species and genus. In one flowing movement, he turned, and the aromatic scent of blackberries and pine filled the air. It was glorious. One could even almost say...


Moving seamlessly Daz black strode into the room. It was tea, tea, tea. Tea of every sense, and sight, and smell.
"Tea?" Daz asked, honeyed vocal chords as smooth as the finest Turkish blends.
"Of course" I responded. I had to play things cool. Give him no reason to suspect anything was amiss.
I readied the recording tape, I adjusted my microphone.
"so, your story" I inquired, adjusting my pen, getting ready to write things down. Mr Black was about to spill the tea...

(Thanks for reading my first ever fanfiction! If you like, or want to follow me on instagram, you can find me @Scr1b3notscribble)

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