My first day

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~•The song is for you to listen to while reading•~
!Warning swearing!
My name is Y/n and I am 18 years old. People say that my soul is the last one of its kind, the human that freed the monsters had the same soul as me but they recently passed away. Monsters moved to the surface about 5 years ago, some are friendly while most of the more hostile are either locked up or kept back in the underground.
I just moved to Mt. Ebott hoping to gain a better understanding of the monsters and getting my grades up before I graduate school. I was held back a year because my family and I are always moving around which really sucks.
Although I had my life ahead of me, someone had to go and screw it up by framing me!
And then I was shipped off to a prison in the middle of nowhere!
We didn't have the money to afford a lawyer and I was not going to work in the mines so, to prison it was!
I gotta say prison changed me from being shy and easy to work with to the aggressive and everyone for themselves kind of person. I even met the worst monster you could find in that place.
He was the toughest most arrogant and annoying monster I had ever met, he had no excuse to hurt people the way he did. He says we all deserve it but, what about him?

Two weeks after being confined in prison.....

"Wake up! Time to go outside!" I hear the loud guard scream into a megaphone as I wake up and groggily walked out of my cell.
A few people whistle at me, I ignore them until a person sneaks up behind me and says "Hey there hot stuff!" While playing with the end of my hair. I was starting to get really ticked off so I quickly turned around grab his wrist of the person and almost broke it. "Don't call me that you pervert" I said before I let go of his wrist and smacked him hard in the face.
I walked out into the courtyard breathing in some semi-fresh air and started to do laps around the perimeter of the field. I was at about 20 laps until I was tripped by him.
I fall to the ground catching myself with my hands making them sting and my arms hurt from the impact. I whip my head around and say "Hey what's your pro-" I was then cut off when he said "Oh I'm sorry my little dove, I didn't mean to hurt you" He reached down and offered me his hand but when I grabbed it he tossed me up and let go making me fall yet again to the ground. "Whoops, sorry you slipped" he chuckled
The first time I had met the freak who went by the name G, he looked powerful and dangerous. He even wore a mask and scared most of the prisoners and some of the guards. Everyone was afraid of him but I wasn't, at least not really.
I was peacefully reading a book in my cell when I heard someone yelling and it made me jump.
" You don't understand i need to see them stop!" They yelled. The voice sounded too deep for them to be a girl so i assumed they were a boy.
I stuck my head out of the bars to what all of the commotion was, then two guards suddenly rushed passed me and he yelled again "LET GO OF ME!"
I actually felt bad for the skeleton until he tried hitting one of the guards and that thought instantly flew out of my mind, but I was still worried if he was ok or not for some reason.
The guards were struggling to keep him still so when they walked by my cell they pinned him against the bars his face looking toward me.
I took the chance and whispered to him and asked "are you ok?!" He just glared at me and whisper shouted "fuck off!!" I just turned my head to start reading again and said "fine by me!"
I stole a side glance at him and caught him squinting at me. I didn't understand until he saw me glancing and said in a shocked tone "you're a girl?!"
I gave him a *are you serious!?* look and said  "can't you see properly!?"
He responded with " well its kinda hard to see with bars in your face!" I snickered and said "well then couldn't you tell from the sound of my voice!?"
This time he snickered and whispered "by the way I thought girls had a higher pitched voice than yours"
I gasped and whisper shouted "Why you-!" And then he cut me off by smirking and saying "what are you gonna do? Ima just beat your ass anyway!"
I just opened my book back up and watched as the guards threw him back into his cell.
When the guards came back and took him I gave a sassy wave to say goodbye as he left, he saw it and didn't look too happy about it.
The next day all I remember was getting beat up by a group of boys and I couldn't call out to the guards or escape. All of sudden I had hope when I heard someone walk up and say "boys, boys leave the poor lady alone." It was G! I gave him a relived look but he just smirked devilishly and finished his sentence with "its my fight with her after all!"
The next thing I knew was G's boot hitting my face and then passing out from too much blood loss.
Let's just say I couldn't see out of my right eye for three weeks, my nose was knocked out of place, and my stomach had bruises all over it. It hurt to make any movement.
Also whenever I got too cocky with the main chief of the prison, he would send me into solitary confinement for days.
So much for interacting with monster and human kind to get know them better.....

Wow..........just wow.
1055 words! Who hoo! New best!
Hope you enjoyed and persevere even in the worst of situations!

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