Author's Note

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Let us make one thing clear; I do not claim rights to any of these images. Personally, I work out once a week and it does make me feel good about myself. Sometimes I use half of an image in one of these chapters. One thing about fitness is that it's all about you and how comfortable you feel with your progress. Fitness is something you do not compare to other people's progress. You will get "there" when you get there. If you only want to work out once a week, do it. If you only seem to care when those model like girls/guys(we all know people like that), don't begin working out unless you want to better yourself for yourself. Do not start working out to "better yourself" so you can brag about your perfect body, or for any reason other than feeling good about yourself, do not start working out. If you want to start working out, you do it when YOU want to. 

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk,
Lee <3

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