Growing Up Sucks!

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Why do we have to grow up? Why can't we just be babies forever? Stupid questions though. Growing up can be pretty difficult actually is.. GGGOOOODDD!! WHY CAN'T I WRITE THIS THING THE WAY IT'S MEAN'T TO BE?? Maybe because right now I'm also sick of growing up. I just want to be a baby again, not the helpless baby, actually i want to be five again. Then i'll be free to enter any gathering, talk to anyone, break anything and still be pampared. Why God? Why can't I be five again. I just want to live the life the way I want. Why do parents have to tell me what should I do. 

OOOHHH! IT'S IRRITATING. I know whatever they are saying would be beneficial to me, but it's way too much irritating. They always tell me That I'm growing up and I'll have to be mature and do things I haven't done yet, I mean those things I didn't even touched for the 16 years of my life you're now asking me to do it *GROOSSS*  NO WAYYY!!

I don't want to be matured, I want to live in a childish manner, I want to be lazy, I want to be in my dirty clothes, I don't want a clean room. Why are you telling me what should I do. Why can't they just be happy with what I'm happy, why do they always have to be so dominating. 

I just can't bear it, neither can I say anything to them, If I do so, I'll be in a deep giult which I can't bear either. You guys know the worst part, Even if I'm listening to my ipod they start scolding me about it. I mean 'Dude! Whaat's your problem, It's my ears, my ipod. Who're you mannn?' UUGGHHHH!! After hearing their long and weird lectures with a dozens of taunts, I just go all crazy, I don't then know what I'm thinking and I be so rude with everyone who tries and talk to me. I'm such an IDIOT. I just scolded my sister away for no reason. She was just trying to cheer me up but I scolded her away now I'll have to assert her. 

But you guys know what, I actually don't care. I'm fine with all this, I love my parents so much that I just can't blame them for anything. Writing all this actually made me feel better, So I'll just say 'GROWING UP SUCKSS!'  =D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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