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I was waken out of my sleep by faint crying. I looked at my alarm clock that read 4:12 am. I threw the covers off of me as I quickly went to my mothers room.

" Ma, what's wrong?"
" I'm trying to hold on for you baby, i promise you I'm trying." She said through her cries.

I was confused on what she was talking about.

Lately she's been kind of off, and not like herself. She's been losing weight, not sleeping a lot, and just always quiet. I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it would be.

"Whatchu mean ma?" I said hesitantly.

"Bri, I got stage 4 cancer. The doctor told me I have a little under two months to live. I know you graduate soon, and I'm going to try to hold on as far as I can but if I can't make it there's money stashed behind my bed in the wall for you." She said after she'd finished crying.

" but ma .. what am I going to do? I graduate next month. Who am I going to live with? Where am I going to go? The doctors can't cure this?" I said holding back the tears.

" I- I don't think so bri. I'm living in my last days. I just want you to know that I love you .. everything I did was for a reason okay baby? I love you. I want you to grow up and be the beautiful woman I raised you to be. I know you can do it. Here take this .."

She reached over on her night stand and gave me a locket with a picture of us two in it.

"We're all we got baby. Keep this with you wherever you go." She began coughing up blood.

I frantically grabbed my iPhone 8 and called 911. About twenty minutes later the ambulance and police showed up. My mother was taken out on a stretcher, leaving me behind to drive her car.

I hurried and put on my leggings with my ugg boots, and my war ready hoodie. I started her Honda Civic and quickly drove to the hospital.

As I was running inside the ER I bumped into something really hard, instantly making me fall.

" Damn bitch, you need to watch where the fuck you going." Said some tall light caramel skinned dude.

He was fine as hell, but they way he was acting made me forget all about his looks.

" Nigga you saw me running in here, YOU SHOULD'VE MOVED AROUND!" I angrily yelled.

He gave me a mug, and walked off. Thank god cause I ain't wanna have to get locked up in this damn hospital for killing a nigga.

Forgetting about what just happened, my mind went back to my mother. I rushed to the desk and asked what room she was in. The front desk lady showed me her room, and I entered.

There were three doctors and my mother was in her hospital bed with tubes in her nose and mouth.

"You must be Ms. Kya's daughter. I'm Dr. Kuthintz." He extended his hand for me to shake, but I just looked at it.

"Yea whatever, what's going on?" I said ready for him to get to the point.

"Well things aren't looking too good for your mother. The cancer has spreaded throughout her whole body and she might not make it into the next week."

"WHAT? No! She just told me two months! You've got to do something! I graduate next month and I need her there!" I said as tears poured down my face.

"I'm sorry, but we did all we could." He said as he exited the room.

I looked at my mother's body as she laid in the bed. I went over next to her and said a silent prayer, hoping that God would protect us. 


I jumped up as I heard loud grunts and groans.

"Mama! Mama what's wrong?!" I frantically asked.

" I can't do this anymore baby, please- please call the doctors." She said lowly.

I hurried and pressed the red button that was attached to her bed. Minutes later doctors came in and started checking her pulse and blood pressure.

"We're gonna have to pull it now, there's nothing else we can do." Dr. Kuthintz told me.

"God please no." I said as I looked up to the ceiling and cried.

"It's time for you to meet him baby .." was the last words she said before she took her last breath.

"Meet who? Mama, please! Please don't leave me mama. You all i got!" I cried.

I watched as the doctors pulled her plug. I stood off to the side, pouring my eyes out. My mom was my everything. She was all i had. I had no father, no grandparents or cousins. Now that she's gone, i have to survive in this cruel world on my own.

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