Short story

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It was a warm summer’s eve when i saw a little girl not more than 9 or 10, she looked kinda familiar. She was just looking out into the distance i could see a faint smile with a tear falling right beside it before i could say anything she turned and ran vanishing. The next day there was a girl who died from a shooting yesterday, when they showed the picture of her i was in shock and started thinking

“ but i saw her at the beach “

i got up running to my room googling it thinking

“ there has to be an explanation to yesterday “

i couldn’t find anything so i decided to go back around the beach the same time i did yesterday.

I looked and nothing happened making me doubt what i saw, as i made my way back to my car the ocean went quite and still i turned seeing the same thing i did the other day this time she was facing me smiling she walked up asking me if i wanted to play with her i nodded wanting to know what will happen. She grabbed my hand leading me to a little place she had built. Giggling she grabbed my hand and sat down with me saying

“ i know im dead. But i want to see my family one more time “

she started crying.

“ all i wanted to do was see the beach i didn’t want this “

i felt my eyes water i couldn’t help but grab her and say

“ it’s okay we all make mistakes “

She shook her head

“ not one like this “

i looked at her she smiled that same sad smile and said

“ at least i got to see the ocean “

i shook my head “ i’ll get your family and bring them here for you “

she smiled nodding saying

“ hurry before my memory vanishes completely"

And there she went vanishing again with no trace. I started to look in the news paper for some kind of lead but i got nothing i went to the news reporter and asked her she couldn’t even tell me they’re first name i searched for 3 days before finding one thing about her family. I went back to the beach looking for her she didn’t show so i sat and sat but still nothing until i heard a scream a woman was being robbed i ran over there yelling

“ leave her alone "

the man then pointed the gun at me then at her yelling

“ no, give me your purse “

he then proceeded to walk backwards until he hit a rock causing him to trip and fall. All i heard was a scream and my vision become blurred i then looked down to find i was bleeding as i fell i could see that little girl and then i realised who she was her names Juno her mom is my ex from 10 years ago. Before i lost all consciousness i heard her saying

“ fight daddy “

I woke up looking around i then seen a woman beside me who as soon as i sat up said

“ oh my god ! your a live “

i looked at her confused

“ how long have i been here ?”

she shrugged

“ roughly 10 days “

i started crying

“ i need to get out of here “

she shook her head

" you.. You can’t”

i shrugged

“ i don’t care “

i then proceeded to pull everything off. When i was done and dressed i had the woman help me walk out and drive me, i had her take me to her house. When we arrived i got out having her stay in the car i knocked on the door with a woman answer

“ ye..”

i could see the puffiness in her eyes she’s been crying

“ i’m sorry “

was the only thing i could say, she hugged me saying

“ i’m sorry too “

i looked at her asking

“ why “

she started to cry again saying

“ my little girl Juno the one who recently passed she was yours “

i felt tears start to swell i looked at her asking

“ why didn’t you tell me ?”

all she could say was

“ i was young “

i agreed and asked

“ go to the beach with me ?” she shook her head

“ i cant, not without my baby “

i kissed her cheek grabbing her hand

“ trust me “

she then followed me with tears still coming out of her eyes.

As we reached the beach i couldn’t feel her so as soon as we stopped i got out and ran to where she first took me and everything was gone except one thing a note that read

“ Dear mommy and daddy. I know your really sad right now that i have died but just know i love you and i’m so so sorry for making you deal with this all on your own. P.S. i did all of this cause i wanted to see mommy happy again "

I couldn’t help but grab her and start crying saying i’m sorry more than i possibly can. We stayed like that for a while not wanting to move. A couple of years later we had another baby girl whom we named July sometimes when we are at the beach with her we can feel our hearts warm up its as if our little Juno was still there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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