Chapter 1 - before the fukc

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It was a day like any other weekday. People got up early in the morning, drove to work or ran after the bus because they fell asleep again.
The snow that was still present from yesterday, and yet it was the end of March. And I'm supposed to be studying right now but fuck that, I am a failure regardless.
Some orange haired boye was waiting for the bus regularly. By regularly I mean he was thinking about futa hentai and he was so distracted by that, that he nearly missed the bus. Again.
After settling down on one of the few free seats left, he took out his phone to listen to sum music. His music taste was bitter as hell for others, he assumed, but he couldn't care less.
The ginger guy stared out the window for the entire ride, like in those ginger teenager movies. You know, the ones where dem teens are always doing Dem troubles and the ginger ones are always the smart ones n shit. You don't know what I'm talking about? Look up every "semi popular" youngster movie made before 2010. Legit garbage. Dubai was lit tho.
After he got off of
his speculatingly stupidly described bus ride, he walked his ass over few roads n shit, idk I have no idea what route he uses to school. Or to a strip bar. Do we have any strip bars here???? Is there a strip bar where it's just naked dudes cosplaying as overwatch members and league champions? OwO (daddy 76 and gay-suo low-key yes pls)
Now that the autistic author decided to write this fanfiction more properly, after some walking he finally received his destination which was his school. No he doesn't own the school- okay I should stop now.
(Time skip to first class brought to you by Audible. AUDIBLE stand for Autism aUtism Dad I Bake Lasagna Edibles. I'm sorry dad.)
After climbing up 4 sets of unnecessary stairs, his second destination has been reached, which was the classroom to his first lesson of the day. Ginger hair lord then saw his classmates, the thots, edge lords and the best alpha male he's ever seen. That dude who's name I forgot again because I am generally bad with names yo.
His hair was cut short, nearly completely shaved and he seemed to have a little stubble (I hope I'm not wrong ngl). He was pretty tall just like any other guy, maybe even taller than the average. Why was he describing him so specifically? Well....
Let's just say that guy
Was his bestest friend! That's obviously the only reason to pay more attention to the looks of him than the others. The thots and edgies do not matter. He meant-  t-they do!!! Just, you know, he's not very close friends with them. Don't get the wrong idea....d-dummy...
After these embarrassing thots (haha get it? Thoughts? You better laugh.), he felt his cheeks heaten up (heaten got autocorrected to beaten lmao). The face cheeks I mean. God this is painful.
After greeting each other and having an embarrassing encounter with Tanja and her autistic friend that is writing this, and after greeting his friend and sum others, the teacher got the classroom and opened the door. Everyone rushed inside because they are all selfish, and then settled down.

The entire lesson was boring as hell, he nearly fell asleep if it wasn't for his friend right next to him. Everytime his eyes started to drop lower and lower, his friend next to him would kinda nag him in the shoulder (I think 'nag' is just a word I just made up, I should write an entire dictionary for all these stupid words I have came up with to sound like an intellectual).
Again, he started to fall asleep again until he suddenly heard music.
'That must be the music singaling the end of the lesson!'
He got cheerful for a second there, only to be disappointed again when the teacher told everyone to leave the classroom. God Jesus Allah fuck, can't they just stay in? They aren't 12 anymore.
But regardless, he decided to go alongside with everyone and sit down. He saw his friend sit a bit more away from him this time because there wasn't any space left next to ginger hair boi.
This nearly disappointed him, only to scold himself in his head,
'its not like I CARE O-OR ANYTHING!....du-dummy.....'

He decided to instead just do whatever the fuck on his phone. Therefore, he was scrolling through some nice futa art on Tumblr, until something tapped on his shoulder....or rather someone.
He looked up to his friend and locked eyes with him, suddenly mesmerized by his delicious chocolate eyes (now I'm hungry sum1 buy me some chocolate pls).
"...hey? Are you listening??" Asked his friend and that's when he saw that his friend's lips were moving and that he was staring awkwardly into his eyes, completely zoned out.
" Uhh, yea just got a little, you know, zoned out?"
Ginger kiddo dropped his gaze to the ground, making sure his friend won't notice that his eye lingered on his chest and lower area for a split second.
"...right. My homie, can I copy ur homework?"
And that's how the day went. There were a few more awkward encounters where he'd stare at his friend a bit, but after the first encounter, he made sure that it won't get noticed by anyone, or at least not by chocolate eye dude (I'm still hungry).

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