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It was Tuesday, Jisoo's lectures were in the afternoon and therefore she slept in.
"I need to clear the rubbish." Jisoo thought to herself and proceeded to walk to the door.
Suddenly, someone stood infront of her and panting.
"Er, hi? Do you have a printer? I kind of need to send in my proposal in 5mins." Jinyoung said.
"Er yeah. Why don't you come in?" Jisoo smiled.
"It's wireless, just connect with your phone." Jisoo told Jinyoung.
Jinyoung was struggling slightly until Jisoo said, "Er I will help you."
"Thank you." Jinyoung laughed slightly feeling a little stupid.
"Is that correct?" Jisoo said passing him the pages.
"Yes thank you so much." Jinyoung's hand knocked against the flask on the table and it flew towards the floor and broke.
"I am sorry." Jinyoung said staring at the broken glass pieces on the floor.
"It's okay, I will clean it. You can go now, you are late!" Jisoo demanded.

"I am so tired." Jisoo exclaimed as she jumped onto her bed.
There was a sound coming out from the printer.
"What the heck." Jisoo screamed until she went forward to the printer.
There came a paper that stated,
"Hey I am sorry for today. Want to get lunch?"
Immediately, she knew who it was from and she smiled widely.
There was a knock on her door and she went forward and answer it.
"Hey." Jinyoung waved.
"Hello." Jisoo replied.
"Want to get lunch tomorrow? By the way, my name is Jinyoung." Jinyoung smiled.
"Oh yes. My name is Jisoo." Jisoo grinned.
"Come in." Jisoo gestured him.
"What do you study as?" Jinyoung asked.
"Literature. How about you?" Jisoo asked.
"Psychologic." Jinyoung answered.
"Oh I am here to give you my phone number just in case you do not find me tomorrow." Jinyoung said.
"Oh, here." Jisoo passed her phone.
"See you tomorrow. We can eat out at a nearby café near school at 1pm." Jinyoung smiled widely before leaving.
"To be honest, he's kind of cute. Isn't he?" Jisoo thought to herself.
Jeongyeon was calling Jisoo and she answered.

"Hello Unnie?"
"Yes? I want to tell you something as well."
"Me too. Today was so fun, we dissect a goat's heart."
"That's gross. But anyways I met this cute guy today, his name is Jinyoung."
"That guy from Psychologic?"
"How did you know?"
"He's so famous. You met him?"
"He came to my dorm asking for printer and just so I had one."
"What? Do you know how famous is he in the campus? Everyone is raving for his good-looks."
"Wow I didn't know that but he's treating me lunch because he broke my flask."
"Keep me on updates"
"Sure. For now, good night I am very tired from my lectures."

After she hung up, she proceeded to call Jennie — another of her best friend.

"Hello Jennie?"
"Yes Unnie?"
"I want to tell you something"
"Okay sure"
"I met this guy called Jinyoung, do you know him? I think he's in psychologic too."
"Oh yes. He's pretty famous and has a lot of suitors — one of them is Nayeon. Nayeon is from Film but they meet very often because Film usually collaborate with Psychologic too."
"Oh. He's treating me lunch tomorrow"
"Long story short, he broke my flask so he wanted to compensate for it"
"I see. I've got to go now, see you soon"

Author's note:
Slow updates for this as I've not started on chapter 2 and I have several stories on my mind now and my main focus right now is my one-shots and An Ocean Apart.

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