New Leaf In Greenleaf

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"Finally!" I said as I was standing in front of the hotel with a suitcase in my hand and a backpack hung on my right shoulder. I entered the hotel and saw four people arguing for something, that's what I thought. I went a little further and stood before them listening to thier conversation or argument, whatever it was.

"Hiiii.... Friends?" I said nervously, making an attempt to make friends.
The group seem to be so engrossed in the conversation, that they don't even notice me.
"Music Club is the best, that's the one for me" says a man wearing a wood coloured hood.
"Photography Club is made for me, duh" a blue haired girl informs.
"Same goes to me!" the girl standing besides the blue haired girl says excitingly.

There, I spot my friend from home town....
"K.B!" I shout, even when she is right in front of me. She looks in the direction of my side and runs towards me. "SABRINA!" she says and tackle hugs me. Ouch!
K.B....Melissa Nowak, a friend from my hometown, we were like sisters, real sisters. We used to go to same school, shared same interests and were pretty close.
I call her K.B, just because....I want to duh. There's not a particular reason for it.

I climbed upstairs to my room.
"Wow" I said after opening the door of my room in the hotel, after talking to k.b.
Text from K.B [3:30]
Sabrina Creative Writing class in half an hour. Meet me outside the hotel entrance.

Me [3:30]
Sure, I'll see you there :)

I sit in front of the mirror and form a high ponytail. I remove the lipstick and eyeliner from my handbag and apply both one by one. I quickly pack my bag, grab it and walk downstairs.
Grabbing a sandwich from the kitchen I step outside the hotel texting kb.

Me [3:45]
I'm here. Where are you?

K.B [3:47]
Behind you ;)

I turn behind and, see K.B smiling at me, mobile in hand. "Let's Go."

In Creative Writing Class
I and K.B take a seat in the first row. Gazing around I spot a handsome boy, with light brown hair, fair skin tone and big dark brown eyes.
Wow, like Wow!
I remember him! The one back in the hotel! Who liked.... Uh... Music Club! Was I a blind to not notice him earlier? Whatever, if he was talking to K. B that means, he is her friend!

"What's his name?"

I shout loudly and within minutes the whole class turn thier attention towards me.
I smile sheepishly and Melissa face palms. Everyone were laughing but expect that boy. I peeked a little in front and saw him sleeping.
"Huh? Who even sleeps in Creative Writing? Like, if he didn't have any interest in writing why did he even join this class?"
"Oh, he's Oscar. Oscar Clifford. One of my friends.....and yeah, next time just remember this: I'm sitting right besides you"
I look down awkwardly smiling.
Oscar Clifford, I'm so into you. I've never seen such a attraction in my life. I guess dating is not allowed here and all, but he can at least be my friend.... Very close friend.

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