Chapter 1

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" So what do you think, Lia?"

" I am stuttering a lot. You probably think I am being rude. But", I gulped and continued,"can I get a day or two to think on it?"

She laughed. " Sure. Take your time,but do inform me by the end of this month alright?"
I quickly took a glance on my mobile screen that had lit up due to the notifications. It's 17th of September, which means I have 13 days. "Yeah", I nodded.

"Okay then. I'll wait for your answer." She stood up and so did I. My mother had told me that when you're with someone and they stand, you should stand up as well. It's a way of expressing your respect for them. It had become a habit of mine to stand along with the other person. Also,i did not want Mrs Sanderson to think of me as a rude person and so I was very careful with my actions. After all who would want to upset Mrs Rita Kane Sanderson.

I led her to the entrance of the cafe. She waved me goodbye and entered the white Elantra that was waiting for her in the parking lot.

I could have headed towards my apartment, but I decided to get back to the table where Mrs Sanderson and I had met two hours ago.

So here I was, at Starbucks on a pretty afternoon, thinking about the offer Mrs Sanderson had given me. She had asked me to work with her. At her own start up company. In London. With her husband Phillip Sanderson, who was once a very renowned singer. Nobody knows why he stopped making music. It was rumoured that he became a drug addict because of which the record label had to end all their contacts  with him.

Mrs Rita Kane Sanderson, the country head of HSBC India, had chosen me to work with her. She was one of the strongest personality in the sector. People could trade all of their riches to get such a great offer. But for some reasons, to me it wasn't as great as that.

I knew Mrs Sanderson did not choose me because I had some special talent or some experience or some sort of spark in me or even my charm. She chose me because my father had asked her to do so. My father, Naman Rao is one of the well known lawyers of the country. He always wanted me to get a proper well paid job, instead of becoming a hotel manager and pursuing business management. He had tried many times to persuade me to meet  his friends who were big business men and join their firms. I always denied all his proposals because I knew that those people would never reject me even if I did not speak a word in the interview and would pay me more than I deserved. But this time, I finally gave in because of his nagging.

I was under the impression that that Mrs Sanderson would offer me some luxurious-well-paid job which I would eventually deny. But I wasn't expecting this. She told me about the plans about her startup. She also said that I would be getting the right to make choices and voice my opinions if I join her. She said that I will have a say in every business matter. She was pretty straight forward about the proposal. She did not sugar coat her words or tried to coax me. She asked me how good I was in dealing with the paparazzi. I told her that I was a bit hesitant and I always avoid them. She then warned me that if I work with her, due to her fame and my family background we might become  a matter of discussion in the business world.

It was clearly not the ideal job for me.
It would bring one thing I hate the most- Fame.

But then I was thinking about how desperate I was to leave this place. I was thinking about all those things that had started to come back to me again. I was thinking about how monotonous my life had become and how badly I needed a change. I was thinking about how perfect Mrs Sanderson offer was if I considered only these things. Two words were playing on repeat in my head- Fame and Change. Fame. Change. Fame. Change. Fame. Change.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts. "Miss Lia Rao?"
I turned around to see a woman dressed in a formal attire, probably in her mid thirties was standing with my wallet in her hand.
What was she doing with my wallet?
I nodded in reply to her question.
" I think this belongs to you. I found it at the entrance and when I opened I saw your picture on the driver's licence".
I realised that my jeans pocket was empty. I must've dropped it when I went there with Mrs Sanderson. I took my wallet back and smiled,"Thank you so much. It contains important stuff. I would have been in a trouble if I had lost it."

" Oh don't mention it. But be careful. You can't afford to lose something like that." Saying this she walked away. I opened my wallet and my eyes fell on the small pink butterfly card my mother had given me the last time I visited her. I always kept it with me. There wasn't anything much written on it. It just said one word - Fly.

Maybe this was my opportunity to fly. Maybe this time I could get over all the bad things that happened to me. Yes it brought fame with it but maybe this time I deserve a chance. Also, Mrs Sanderson had assured me that I could back out anytime I wanted to. She would never force me into it. So anytime I felt like going back, I could do that. I contemplated for a few more minutes and finally made up my mind.

"Fly, Lia. Fly", muttering to myself, I walked out of the cafe.


Author's note

Hello everyone! :D
As you can see this is my first creation on wattpad and I am super nervous and excited about it. If you're reading this I would request you to please drop your feedbacks in the comments. If you disliked something or if I made a mistake, I would like you to point it out. I don't know what else to write here so I will end here but please come back to read my next chapter!
Stay creative! <3

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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In the wrong flightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz