Fallen Angel: Lunar Eclipsed

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Chapter One~


Hello everybody! I'm SimplyDarkestAngel and welcome to my book (or series)! This book is going to be a WIP but I hope you guys enjoy! This might be Anime or Manga I'm not too sure. Please, do enjoy☺️


"Hey! Taliela! Wait up! Stop walking so fast!" Panting very heavily I said. "WELL HURRY UP! WE HAVE A HUUUUUUUGE TEST TODAY!" It was true. Me and Taliela had a really big test today and we were about... well... like um... 25 minutes late. This test was half of our grade. Plus, Taliela was a Smarty but very concerned about nature. She's not a geek necessarily. Oh, my manors, I'm Megan and this is Taliela(but I'm pretty sure you've noticed already😑). "This test is about science ya know! My fav subject!" Taliela blurted out happily. "Yeah I know. That's the only thing you've been studying anyways."We both giggled a bit.


After School


"Oh... Who. Is. That!" I took a closer look. Noticing a show off boy, but rather cute. I wasn't that type that liked show off's. "Him? Oh that's Brandon. What? Do you...Like him?" I had to hesitate btw. "HELL YEAH! Look at his abs though! He is 🔥HOT🔥!" I didn't like what I had just heard. But I had to except it. "Is he new?" I think Taliela was going to flirt... like she normally would do. Always has to be the person everybody first meets. Though, Honestly, I don't really care. She is my best friend. "Come on let's hang out at th-" Too late. "Hey! My name is Taliela! You must be the new kid. Nice to meet you!" From where I was sitting she looked VERY VERY cheerful and flirty, but at her perspective she was being herself. "Pleasure!" I am eavesdropping of course! (XD I am very nosey) " Who is that?" WAIT WHAT ME GREAT! "That's my friend Megan. Wanna meet her?" Taliela's voice started dropping. She wasn't happy."Hi, I'm Brandon." Taliela started death staring me. Gulp. "Hey, Im Megan, Pleasure too meet you..." Taliela started shotting me these looks. So I decided I would pretend to leave. "Oh sorry I have too go now. Bye!" Taliela started looking happier. "Bye... Hey... Um... Taliela... wanna hang out for a bit?" "SURE!!!! ID LOVE TOO!!!!" Ok, she was happier. *Sighs with relief* I started leaving and ran into the most unsuspected group of kids. Aaron, Ryan, Candice! Hanging out! A sporty, A fashionista, and a Heroic protective stunning dude! °[]° As soon as I was trying to walk away by the looks of it Aaron walked up to me. He was stunning! "Oh h-h-hi..." Omg Megan your messing up! "Hey! I'm Aaron!" "Yeah, I know who you are..." "Right! Hehe..." "Well I was wondering... do you wanna-"


Suspense! dun dun dun! XD hope you enjoyed C:

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