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Drunk dancing, grinding, "getting it on" in the bedrooms upstairs. Classic high school party. "No thanks" is what I have been having to say for the past hour as drunk fuckboys try to talk to me. I hate to be pessimistic but I'd rather not be here. I feel as if I'm a chaperone. I walk upstairs, scared of bumping into an "active" couple, trying to find Brandon. Interrupting people as I open every door in sight. I hate parties. I finally find him after what felt like years. He was making out with some random girl, of course. I grab him by the collar and drag him to my car. I tell him to get in and I drive to my house. I look beside me and he's passed out. My car smells of beer and vodka and my air freshener isn't helping. I get to my house and stop the car. I slap him and tell him to get up, very annoyed because he said that he wouldn't drink, or drink as much as he did. He seemed too weak to climb up my steps and my soft side gave in so, I carried him upstairs to my room laying him on my bed. I change and hop in with him then I grab my phone and scroll through twitter. I like some tweets then I place my phone on my nightstand and close my eyes.

The next day

I wake up and yawn, rubbing my eyes. I turn my head and to my dismay Brandon wasn't there. "Where the hell is this bitch" I roll out of bed then storm downstairs, the smell of pancakes instantly hitting me as I get near the bottom step, pretty much turning my frown upside down. I walk up to Brandon, who is by the stove cooking, and hug him, "What's all this?" I ask in awe. "It's a sorry breakfast," he makes a pleading face and I sigh. "I," I start, "Don't forgive you," I finish then take off running upstairs. "Ariana, what the fuck?" He yells. "Bitch you thought!" I laugh and then take a shower.

B R A N D O N ' S P O V

I decided to do something special for Ariana because she saved my ass last night, my parents would've kill me if she didn't tell them that our "study session" went way over time and it's too late to drive home. Ariana is my best friend and I would do anything for her. I've known her since Kindergarten and she is the only reason I'm even KIND OF organized. She means everything to me.

[441 word count]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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