The New Kid's First Day

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Before we start this everyone is 16. Except the teachers and other people but I will tell you if their older. They are sophomores which is 10th grade.Lets get on with it!!
Eric's POV
Highschool sucks! I hate it! Highschool is that time when everyone thinks about what they want to do when they're out of this hellhole. And what do I want to do? I. HAVE. NO .IDEA. And I'm in the middle of my second year of highschool FBE High and everyone expects me to know what I want to do.

My best friend Mikaela Pascal already knows what she wants to be. A professional MMA fighter. At first I thought she was joking but she joined the wrestling team and she can get scary. Yikes. Don't come up to her when she's in a bad mood.

Anyways if I had to choose on what I want to do I would probably just stay in my parents house and watch YouTube. Sounds like a plan.

But Mikaela
has a different idea...

"Eric come on just date someone. You never date anyone and people that ask you out you reject them every time." Mikaela whines. She wants me to date someone. We've known each other since we were kids. She's had boyfriends before but it never works out. But I have never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like its her mission to get me to date someone.

"No I can't focus on dating someone right now." I frown and she looks me

She sighs and crosses her arms.

"Whatever....just wait until I get you a date."

The bell rings so everyone heads to their 1st class.
"Come on." She says and grabs my black shirt and pull me to our first class. Science. The best class.

We sit at our desks,me and Mikaela next to each other, and wait for our teacher Mr.Fine,but he lets us call him his first name which is Benny,to get here. Me and Mikaela talk about her fighting and how its better then last year.

Benny walks through the door and brings a kid I've never seen before.

"Good morning class."Benny's voice loud enough so everyone can hear him. They all stop talking and say cheerfully,"Good morning Benny." Benny is everyone's favorite teacher everyone also really likes Mr.Wechsler,Alex. Really everyone worships them. They are like the best teachers.
"Hello everyone. I'd would like you to meet a new student that will be joining our class today. This is Tom Phelan. Tom I'm Mr.Fine but call me Benny. Everyone?"
"Hello Tom!" Everyone says cheerfully.
I look at Tom and see he is a little nervous.
His eyebrows are huge
I can't help but look at him up and down. Looking at his chest,torso,feet and back to his-
"Checking out the new kid huh Eric?" I hear Mikaela whisper next to me. I jump and hit my knee on the table.
"Shit!" I yell and cover my mouth. Everyone turns toward me and starts giggling a bit and the new kid,Tom, stares at me obviously amused by my outburst.
"Eric everything ok?" Benny says,to me,smiling.
"Uh y-yeah I'm fine." I say embarrassed and glare at Mikaela. Thats another thing. Benny doesn't care if you swear. Just as long as you don't do it on purpose.
"Yeah your "fine" haha good one Eric." Why is that funny? Ohh I get it now Benny Fine and I said I was fine ha.
The whole class laughs and Brandon punches my shoulder.
"Nice one bro." He says still laughing.
Thats another reason why everyone likes Benny. He can take a joke. But with other teachers they will send you to the office. Plus we can call him by his first name like Alex.

"Ok lets get back to Tom."
Everyone stops laughing and turn to Tom,still standing there awkwardly.

"So who has questions for Tom." I kept my hand down. No way am I asking him anything. Almost everyone raises their hands. Including Mikaela. What is she gonna do?

"Ok let's go down the rows first Vanessa..."

As everyone is asking questions,mostly about his personality, I whisper yell to Mikaela" Why the hell did you do that?"

This Could Be Different (Tom X Eric) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now