Chapter 01

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Katherine's pov

I gotta do this I gotta do this, Katherine you really gotta do this. As I'm filling out the surrogacy form, every nerve in my body is stopping me from doing this.
My 21 year old self is definitely absolutely not ready for this but right now this seems like the most easiest way out. I really have to do this for my family, for my dad and most importantly for myself.

After I was done filling up the form I sat on my couch to calm myself.
I legit need to calm down and figure out this decesion for once. I had already contemplated on whether to do this or no and of course I had reached to the decision of doing it but right now I really need to figure it out for real because it's really happening, it's really going to happen. I will soon receive a call from the agency and once I agree there is really no going back.

My father is in great debt because the factory he was working in shut down and it's been two years since he's home and my mother's really working hard to meet the ends but it's really not helping that much, my fathers hospital bills, my sister's school needs, the house rent, it was all too much for her.
She doesn't deserve this and so this was the only way to help her, help us, help myself to get into a good medical college as I always aspired to be a Doctor. This was my last shot and I'm going to do it!

The next day I emailed ten pictures of myself to the surrogacy agency as for them to show the intended parents how I look like.

After 5 days I got call from them to come down to their office to complete the interview process. I really missed my best friend of a room partner right now. She had gone to visit her parents and I and whole of our town was missing her because she was friends with hell lot of people and I on the other hand was friends with barely 5-6 people. Okay coming back to interview During the one hour interview they reviewed my completed profile, explained me the process and answered remaining questions that I had.

I was working my shift when I got a call from the surrogacy agency about a match. I agreed to meet the said parents whose names were Alexandra Warner and Silas Warner.

The next day itself I went to the IVR clinic that the parents had choose. One good thing was we both were from Atlanta so it was much easier of a thing to work out.

I took a cab and after 20 minutes reached the clinic. As I got down I saw Alexander and Silas Warner standing at the gate. Alexandra was more beautiful than the photo that the agency had sent me and her Husband looked a rich man, he was tall and broad shouldered ,his attention was glued to his mobile. I nervously waved at Alexandra and she excitedly came to me and hugged me tightly saying thankyou a hundred time not even kidding.
She took my hand  and took me to her husband.Nudging him she said
"Honey Katherine is here"

he removed his sunglasses and looked at me. He had the kind of face that stopped you in the tracks, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome, tousled dark brown hair and his eyes were mesmerising deep brown, he was the definition of handsome. I extended my hand

"Hello, I'm Katherine" I offered a kind expression and smiled. He tipped his head which probably meant a silent hello and extended his hand
and said "Silas."
What the actual heck he didn't even smile not even a little, if I had got the littlest crush on this guy, it was gone by now. Well kidding he was a kind of an eye candy that no matter what would always attract people, and from the last time I checked I was still a human also not to forget a 21 year old girl.

Alexandra took my hand and excitedly took me inside, I could see how excited she is  and I mentally prayed to God to give her, her happiness. Looking at her I knew that she's going to be a good mother and she deserves this happiness absolutely.

We were waiting in the waiting area, Alexandra doing small talks with me and her rude of a husband had his head inside the mobile, God what's in that mobile anyway. We were soon called and I was nervous, more than nervous I might add.

The doctor started asking me questions some of them of course sex related. I wouldn't be that embarrassed if it was just Alex well she insisted to me on calling her that when I said Mrs Warner to her the time we were doing the small talks thing but I was embarrassed because Mr Warner was there too and well this time unfortunately he didn't had his head dig in the mobile instead was paying his full attention in whatever the doctor was saying. Well it was damn embarrassing as well as satisfying since I was a virgin, so my sexual life was not out on line.

They performed physical exam, blood test and various other tests that they felt necessary to ensure that I was healthy enough to bear a child.

I had never in a my entire life thought that I would do something like this for money. Bringing a child into this world is the most miraculous thing ever, a wonderful creation that a woman would nurture till the last breath of hers. Bringing a child into this world only for it to be given to someone is definitely the hardest thing anyone can do, but I was ready. I was ready for it.

Hola people... here's the first chapter for y'all. I hope you enjoyed it


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