The Bus

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Quinn's POV <<<

"I hate all of you." I mumble under my breath as I stare at the ground. Looking up after all the guys got on the bus, I pull out my phone and put in my earbuds while putting my feet in the seat. I've always hated riding our local buses, but I've been having to ride them lately. Blankly, I stare out of the window and watch the houses and small town stores pass by. It has been such a rainy week, but It was jusy a cloudy day today. Could that mean something? My short ,red tipped, brunette hair moves and sways with each bump. Being the only girl in my town that has huge ass tits, that isn't obese, I curl up to stop all the movement of my breasts. Guys liked to flirt constantly with me which I don't blame them, it just makes me uncomfortable.

Today has been a busy day, so everyone's exhausted. Being near summer in this small town makes everyone restless. Soon enough, my bus gets packed and there are few seats left. I've been used to being home alone, so this felt different to me. The bus comes to a hault at another bus stop and lets off a few people, and more get one. One with faded purple hair gets on who looks like he's not from around here. I move my legs and motion him to sit with me. He throws me a warm smile and a soft "Thank you" as he sits. I pull out my earbuds and being the oddball I am I say, "Hey, I'm Quinn, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Awsten.", he slightly chuckles out nervously.

"You're not from around here, are you Awsten?", I giggle.

"Yeah, I'm not.", he says lightly. We start talking about different topics like old memories and music. We then come to the topic of this town. "It's a nice, small town though.", he says.

"I agree, but not so much on busy days like these. However, I must say it is one of the things that makes this town uniqe.", I chuckle.

"I'm from Houston, and that's true. Every town has it's defining atributes. I wish though that I had someone from around here to show me around, instead of asking Siri ,"Hey, what are some restaraunts near me?"", He laughs.

"Well, I know we just met, but I'm always down to help someone out. I mean, it gives me something to do anyways.", I say with a small smile but slightly unsure.

"Well, I have a good feeling, and I'm big on first impressions, so sure!", he says happily.

"Oh okay!", I giggled. We exchanged numbers, and from there, had a nice rest of our ride. He got off near the square in the middle of town, and I got off near a friends house. It was a couple blocks away, so I put in my earbuds and continued that way.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I check the time. It was 5:43, and I had 2 missed calls from my dad, 2 missed calls from my best friend, and 1 from Awsten. I figured I'd call them back soon. Looking at the colorful haze of a sunset, I dial the number and listen to the soft rigs.

Yo, I'm actually doing this. I might update soon. I have no clue. I'll just write when I feel is right, and if it blows up, then cool. I'm tired right now, and need  f o o d  .

What's gonna happen while she's walking to her friend's house. Oooo cliffhanger lmao

I might get more into Quinn in the next chapter as well, so look forward to that.

Word Count: 625

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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