The First Time

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Copyright. This work is a work of fiction. If for whatever reason you decide to use this work of fiction for anything, please give credit to me, the original author.

"There is nothing worse than feeling trapped in your own skin."

9:30 the clock read as I stared at nothing. My brain was about to explode with all the information my chemistry teacher was giving. This was going to be a long and slow day. I looked around the class to see who was actually paying attention. No one. Why am I here I thought as I reached for my bag. None of my friends were taking chemistry with me so I was all alone. I began playing with my hair and started drawing on my paper.

"Hey, you're good at drawing," whispered Adam, the cute guy that sits next to me. I could see Adam look at me intently with his blue eyes. He was one of the most popular guy in school, and his looks made him more attractive. Oh god, could it get any worse I though as I started to blush.

"Umm thanks," I said with a shy smile. Adam isn't a one girl kind of guy. He hits on almost all the girls in the school; I think he's asked them all out too.

"Do you get what she's saying?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, she's explaining the atomic theory," I explained careful not to look at him for too long.

This class was painstakingly long. With Adam talking to me my heartbeat was sky high. I looked down staring at my paper. Adam made me feel a little uncomfortable; I don't know why but he just did.

"Alright class, make sure you finish the assignment for tomorrow". I sighed a breath of relief as class was finally over. Just one more class until lunch.

"Hey Sophie, how was chem with boring Ling?"

"Don't ask Em. I swear that woman wants to put her students to sleep. Adam was talking to me today". I told her this as calmly as I could on our way to World Issues.

"Oh my god! Cute Adam?" She asked for clarification.

"What other Adam do I know? Wait don't answer that," I said as she smirked.

"What did he say?" The girl who had hated him for the longest time was now interested in what he had to say.

"I don't get you Emily. You think he's cute yet you hate him. Why? And why the sudden interest?"

"You wouldn't get it. Well I don't exactly hate him, I kind of like him but he was such a jerk to me so I can hate him". Emily said, her green eyes piercing a hole through the door.

Sometimes I was jealous of her; she was gorgeous, her auburn hair fell right pass her shoulder in perfect waves, her green eyes topped off her look. She hardly needed any make up with her flawless face.

"Well you see Emily, I don't get it. You wanna explain?" I asked her.

"Maybe one day".

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as we got to class.

As class went on I saw Emily looking at me and pointing towards Jason. Jason was the guy I have liked for a while and still do like. "What?" I whispered.

"He was checking you out. Looks like Adam isn't the only one with eyes for you".

Jason was not much like Adam. He had stayed a year back even though he had graduated last year. When he looked at me, I could feel myself melting. Jason had hazel eyes, short brown hair, was quiet for the most part, didn't have a girlfriend, and was smart. He had girls chasing after him and it would get me really jealous.

"He wasn't checking me out. Like, why would he?" It was the truth. Why would a guy like him, someone who could get any girl, look at a girl like me.

"Maybe because he thinks you're cute".

"Mr. Smith, would you like to tell us what you are whispering about?" The teacher asked. I looked at Emily. "No sir," she replied.

The class dragged on and the lunch bell finally rang. As I was walking out of the classroom someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

"Hey. You're Sophie right?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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