The show

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(Y/n) Bill and Pacifica, were at a magic show."Hello I am Dipper this is my sister Mable." About all the girls screamed."we need a volunteer she will be a fair lady." He layed eyes on me."You!" "NO" I screamed,but count on your best friends to push you."Now,we will throw this girl in the crowed do not catch her." Mable said. "What?!" The room shouted."1...2...3!"thay said at the same time."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" But I didn't hit the ground. I woke up and..well..."DIPPER!" Dipper awoke"(Y/n)?" "HOW THE,what when did I tell you my name?"I said confused."Let us just say magic is real."


"(Y/n) knows to much, we have to kill her." My sister said."No,she doesn't act like the other girls."I said."(y/n), want to go on a date?" Making her blush a dark shade of red...

Athens note

ShipMasterBri is a great writer plz read her books. Also some new people are coming soon! MissInstagram2

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