Chapter 1 ~ Ransom

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The Inspector swung his feet off his desk, and placed his hat on his head, about to leave his office, when the telephone began to ring. Sighing, he reached over and answered "City South Police Station." The only reply on the other end was heavy breathing, and a scream cut short by the end of the call, definitely a girls scream, Jack noted. Not a minute later, it rang again. And again, he answered

"City South Police Station" however, this time it was Dot on the end of the line.

"It's Miss Fisher, I think she's in trouble. She left this morning to pick up some house guests from the train station and when she didn't return, I became worried, when I went to get the post, I found a-a ransom note."

Panic was evident in the poor girls voice, shaky and quiet, and Jack was almost certain she'd been crying. "Are you at home?" Dot mumbled a 'Yes' in return,

"I'll have to ask you to remain there and not to let anybody else leave, or anyone else in apart from me, I'll be there in an hour." As he exited his office, he ordered Hugh to come with him, that it was an emergency, and locking the doors of the station behind them, the two headed out into the cool night air.

As the two policemen walked towards the car, the wind began to pick up, a cold sharp gust seemingly slashing into their skin. Reaching the car, they pulled the doors open and Jack grasped the steering wheel, and began to drive. About halfway to Miss Fisher's place, there was a sudden flash of lightning and the loud rumble of thunder could quite possibly be heard from miles away, only adding to the eeriness of the situation. "Looks like we're in for an interesting night Collins." He said aloud, parking the car outside the house.

The two headed up to the door and knocked twice.

"It's only us Dorothy!"Jack exclaimed, and the door opened to reveal a frightened Dot, shaking, with dry tears on her face. Jack and Hugh stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Now, Miss Williams, could you please show us what was on the ransom note?" Jack asked, and Dot nodded, signalling for them to enter the kitchen, where they saw Bert, Cec, Mr. Butler and Jane sat around the table, dinners forgotten, and all staring in shock at the note. Hugh stepped closer to the Inspector and whispered

"Whatever's on that note must be serious. I've never seen Bert and Cec like this before." Jack knew he was right, and picked up the note, and Dot, again, began to cry. "Oh, Dottie, don't cry" Hugh said softly into her ear, enveloping her in a comforting hug.

Jack slammed the note onto the table, furious. "We don't have much time."

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