chapter 1

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Flair's POV

"Hello Dylan! How are you doing? Wanna play badminton with me?" I asked to Dylan, who I have an eye on.

Dylan passed me a weird look replying "no thanks." He started walking away so I was behind  him, following.

"Wanna have lunch with me?" I asked, winking.

"No!" With that he went. I was about to follow him, but my best friend, Nina stopped me from doing so.

"Nina! What do you want? " I asked her giving a stern look, but failed.

"Stop flirting with Dylan. And come with me, let me show you something." She said, dragging me to the basket ball court at our college.

"Now what?" I asked once she stopped.

"Yesterday you were flirting with Jacob, then Louis, then Liam, now Dylan?" She asked.

"Um yeah, you know, we're the bossyboots here, who were short tips and are so hot." I said, waving my hair.

"Look at that. " she said, pointing to a man, if somewhat our age I guess, sitting with his friends and chatting. He's new. I never saw him before. He's super handsome, with dark brown eyes, Brown silky spike hair and taller than me (I'm not short.)

"Aha! Good one to flirt with!" I said and was about to walk to him, but nina Interrupted.

"Don't even dare! " she said.

"What? Are you into him?" I asked, confused.

"Yes I am.'' With that she walked to him and I followed.

"Hey guys ! Flair here!" I said for he group of boys with that man.

"Hi." That man said.

"I'm Nina" she started "and, May I know your name?"

"Ashton Miller." He replied. Nice name.

"Wow! That's so good name!" She said.

" can you come on a date with me?" She asked. Very bad, days so wanted him. But anything for my bff.

"Sorry, not interested." He said, folding his arms.

"Oh..ok fine..." she said,mad ran to the basement.

"Nina!!" I shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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