The box room.

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In September I moved into my dorm room this meant moving out of my tiny box room in my mums house ,great right? Well being a typical "rebellious" teenager I have a couple of hidden things I would rather die than let my mum see and I was prepared for this. My room at home is tiny it is literally a bed and a chestier draws. (See below for a badly drawn diagram).

The vent is tiny and I have never really thought about the vent before if i'm honest

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The vent is tiny and I have never really thought about the vent before if i'm honest. But I really wanted to leave home on a good note and my mum insisted on helping me pack so I decided that while my mum went out to buy boxes I had to hide my lighters, any clothes she would not approve of and anything else I had and as you can see I literally have nowhere to hide my things so I unscrewed the vent hoping it would be big enough to put everything in it... big mistake.

For any people not from England year seven is for ten and eleven year old's and it is the first year in a usually large school with kids ageing from 10-16. You see when I was in year sevenI had an...  incident of sorts this incident made me grow up and it shaped who I am. 

From my perspective it was just a normal Friday. I remember this because me and my best friend were planning on going to this party? at the local swimming centre that only ran on a Friday for 10-15 year old's; the day was boring and I ran home to pack my things the party started at 7 and I was determined to be ready on time (my mum made everyone sit down to dinner tougher until everyone had finished eating and my brother liked to eat extra slowly when I had plans and I still had chores to do, I honestly think I haven't ran that fast since). I get home round 3:30 (dinner always started at 5) so I pounce upstairs to rip my swimsuit (and the swimsuit I really was going to wear),two pairs of socks, some underwear, a set of pyjamas and some clothes for the next day out of the draws and throw them into my bag. I was excited okay I did not look around much but I did notice that my draws were noticeably  bear but hey maybe mum had just not done my laundry?? 

I had half an hour until I was going to be picked up and my mum went into my room to make sure my room was tidy and to make sure my schoolbag wasn't just thrown onto my bed. I will never forget the face my mother made when she walked down the stairs.

"How much did you pack" she look visibly anxious which was worrying she always had the best poker face.

I listed what I had taken excluding my other swimsuit I thought she knew man was I wrong.

"I did your laundry today why is there no underwear in your draw? Tell me now if you've hidden it"

Long story short I had not hidden anything but my mother was persistent on going through my room. We found nothing... except some muddy footprints on my bed leading to my draws and a set of prints on the floor.

The police were called, my plans were cancelled and my life would never been the same.

The police went through my whole dam house making sure my underwear had not just been hidden and they took prints and samples of the mud. My mother and I were told I had probably been stalked because they knew my schedule, my family's schedule well; I have a large family and it is rare that no one is home even now. From that day small things had happened doors would be unlocked, things misplaced without any explanation but never anything major ever happened again. My mum was a single mother of five mixed children in a bad estate and I being a young Latina just looked like I had been mixed up in local gangs. The police did not care. We never heard back from them and for mine and my family's sanity we just had to forget ,it is hard to explain but that was my only option. 

As I unscrewed the vent I saw fabric. I thought I had found some vintage clothes of the past teenager who had this rooms. I was honestly excited to see what there parents wouldn't approve of. I pulled it all out at once only to see the underwear that had been stolen years ago. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but I had been terrified of this persons intentions for years they were always in the back of my mind when making decisions. I have so many questions. What if there still waiting for there chance to get me? Will today be the day? When will I find out why they took my underwear and not my DS and jewellery I had on the draw? Do they still want to hurt me? Who was it? Was I in danger? Am I still in danger?

I would like to wrap this up in a nice bow for everyone. I would like to give you a ending. I would like an ending 

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