Chapter 1 Drowning before you breath in the water

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When blood hits the floor before the pen marks the paper, yet all you hear is silence in the void we all call a life.

"You got this Luna. You got this," she chanted to herself, but it still didn't help the feeling in her stomach as she stood on the edge of the bridge. "Just jump and the pain will ease. It will end you just have to jump," she said to herself. Yet those words made her grip the railing even harder causing her knuckles turn white. Taking a deep breath she let go falling forward.

"Luna!" he called with panic in his voice, "Luna don't jump! Whatever you do don't jump!"

Falling, she turned her head and saw him the boy, the boy that she had fallen in love with. With that simple turn of her head her body followed, so now she can see him, it was too late to change her mind; she was already in the air falling toward the water. He was leaning over the edge of the bridge screaming her name, hoping that somehow it would change the fact she was falling into the freezing lake with only a slim chance of surviving, but it didn't. A tear streamed down her face as she apologized in her head for leaving him and for him to be the one to see her death. She hit the water after she had the thought. The force was so great that she blacked out. She had flash backs of her life. It was beautiful before the accident death just over a half of a year ago. The flash backs stopped and all she saw was nothing just darkness no light to take her to heaven just darkness. Emptiness... and then she woke up.

Rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes she checked the clock, it said 6:00 am. Her alarm hasn't gone off yet. She turns over in the bed unable to go back to bed thinking about that boy in the dream that she had about a million times over. It's the same dream and each time he says the same thing, and each time she never can get a good look at him. All she knows for sure is that his hair is black as night, just like her own, and his voice was deep, not too deep, and gentle, but saddened... 'Was he saddened because I jumped?' she thought to herself, but it left her mind as her alarm clock rang. It was 6:30am, time to get ready for another day of school.


The smell of cheap chemicals fills her nose before going into the girl's bathroom. Stepping in front of a mirror covered in scratches from years of being on the wall, she looked at herself in the mirror (as routine). She took note of everything wrong with the image she saw staring back at her. There words swirling in her head of how she will be never good enough. Though within anyone else's opinion she was pretty, maybe not the most beautiful, but still lovely in her own way. Her long black hair, draping over her shoulders and back, complimented her skin tone of a washed out brown, her eyes, as green as the grass on a summers day with specks of gold flowing randomly. Tired of looking at her face pushing up her left sleeve, revealing the many other times the "business" she performed in this vary bathroom times before. Gently she pulled the blade out of her pocket, careful not to cut her fingers.

Placing the blade to her wrist she left no time to second guess. Running the blade across her wrist, a thin stream of blood appears, oozes out, and dribbles down her wrist. Drops of blood accumulate in the sink under. Reaching the opposite end of the visible side of her wrist, she lifts the blade and repeats the same process under the now fresh wound. Satisfied with only making two cuts, she cleaned the blade in the sink. During the short time of reaching to turn on the water, the pain of a fresh wound appeared. It had a sting to it, like a bee's sting, nothing too harsh though. She ran her wrist under the flowing water from the sink, clearing the blood, and leaving the wounds with another sting. Putting the blade back, as carefully as how she got it from her backpack; she took another look at herself in the mirror, making a few more judgments against her appearance, she left grabbing a paper towel to apply to her cuts. After wrapping the paper towel around her wrist she pulled up her sleeve and pulled up her hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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