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"Feels Real"💓😍😘 haiku#1

Our Dreams are Surreal
Escape from Reality
We Love Fantasy

"Kiss on the Lips💋" haiku#3

I thirst for your lips👄💗💦
My soul is searching for peace😍🙏
I live for your kiss😘💖💕

Romatic Dark" 💓haiku#4

In the cosmic dark🌌
I found a romantic park:🎇⛲🎢
My electric spark💓✨👩🏻💏

Stellar Dreams"  haiku#5 #poetry
In the ship of dreams, 
Day ang night pass with no dim
Thy heart sing our hymns..

"Soul Quencher" haiku#6

A kiss on the soul💋
Restores body to the full💪
Turns pieces to whole❤

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