The Alleycat

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Kara: Come on Ayumi! We're going to be late for school again!


Kara Fujiyoshi:

Personality: Shy around strangers, Sweet, Cute, and usually trying to calm down her best friend Ayumi. 


Type B blood.

Works part-time at a cafe.

Specialties: Piano, Drawing, Swimming, and Taking Pictures.


I rang her doorbell over and over. 

Kara: Oh crap, I forgot my phone! 

Kara: I'll be a little late, just go on ahead!  

I yelled to her bedroom window.

Ayumi's light brown curls popped out of her window with her toothbrush in her mouth.

Ayumi: Okay geez!


Ayumi Yamamoto

Personality:  Tomboyish, Loud, Funny, and Impatient.


Type AB Blood.

Helps out at her Mom and Dad's bakery.

Specialties: Cooking, Baking,  and Games. 


She loves to try new trends.

This time her hair has a streak of pink in it. 

Kara: Oh gosh.

I shook my head.

Ayumi: Hmph!

Ayumi stuck her nose up and disappeared back into her window.

I ran back into my house.

Kara: Where is it?

I searched through all my stuff until I saw it in my kpop cd rack.

Kara: Finally!

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I grabbed it and rushed back outside.

 Kara: Ayumi!

I called up her window.

Kara: Left already? I better get going then.

I started running down the path to the school.

Kara: Gah I don't see any of my classmates walking. Am I that late?

I rushed down alleyways in a sprint. 

Kara: I'm almost there! Just one block to go!

I turned a corner.


I fell backwards onto the hard concrete.

Kara: Hey! Watch where you're-

I stopped myself. I had to. I couldn't speak like that to Hayato. Nobody can.


Hayato Amano

Personality: Cold, Strong, Mean, Impatient, and Handsome.


Type O blood. 

Doesn't have a job.

Specialities: Guitar, Animals, Fighting, Healing, and Cooking (?).


Hayato: Excuse me?

He was surprisingly tall. Half a foot taller than me at least.

Hayato: Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?

He backed me into the stone walls. His two hands on the wall behind me, blocking any escape.

His light blue hair turned dark in the shadow.

Kara: I-I'm late for school.

The ends of his frowning lips curled upward, almost menacingly.

Immediately I regretted those words.

Kara: I-I meant. . . well you see. . .

Hayato: Heh. . . haha. . .

He burst out in laughter, holding his sides.

Confused I stood there, frozen.

He looked up and lifted his bangs from his eyes.

I gulped. His smile definitely didn't match those cold glaring eyes.

He stood up and brought his gaze toward my eyes.

Hayato: Listen goodie-two-shoes, I bet you're just like Len aren't you?

Kara: Huh? Who's Len?

That smile turned into a frown almost as cold as those piercing eyes.

Hayato: Don't pretend you don't know.

His eyes narrowed.

Hayato: Now, I'll let you off this time because you're cute.

Hayato: Next time if you get in my way, I'll bite you.

I gulped and felt my face getting warm.

He smirked and started walking away from the path.

Kara: Wait! 

He glanced back.

Hayato: What?

He looked annoyed.

Kara: Aren't you going to school?

He chuckled, almost playfully.

Hayato: Don't worry about that, cutie.

Kara: My name's Kara!

I scoffed at him.

Hayato: Whatever!

 He'd already started walking away.

I heard the 2nd school bell ring in the distance.

Kara: Oh crap!

I ran toward the school and rushed through the halls.

I got in the classroom just before the final bell rang.

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