Thirds, Thrills and Temperatures

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Well, this has been long in coming, hasn't it? Happy Valentine's Day! Or...some other euphemism to make yourself feel better. Whatever. At the very least, this oneshot might help to cheer you up if you're down! I know, an Ancienverse oneshot? What is this madness? Well...those who followed my collaboration, or simply me, would know that this has been long in coming. So, without further ado, time for my newest oneshot!

Author: Epicocity

Rating: T for innuendo

Pairing: Amourshipping

DISCLAIMER: Still not owning it after almost a year!

Thirds, Thrills and Temperatures

An Ancienverse Pokémon Oneshot

"Ash, what do you and Serena plan to do for Valentine's Day?"

Ash dropped his spoon at his mother's question, the utensil falling into his cereal bowl and splashing milk onto Pikachu's fur. His electric buddy shook himself, the droplets of milk splattering onto the tablecloth. Looking around, the raven-haired trainer noticed that he was all alone with his mother. Clemont and Bonnie, who had been staying with him for a few months now, were on a business trip to the Kanto Power Plant (something about installing the Kanto branch of the Inter-Regional Communications System). Mimey was out back, sweeping the back porch off. Meanwhile, the girl in question was on a day trip to Cerulean City, courtesy of a call from Shauna, who was visiting Kanto for the week. Somehow, that bothered him.

Though it didn't bother him nearly as much as his mother's question. He grunted, trying to clear his throat and looked up to see his mother still at the stove, her back to him. He quietly moved the chair out. He had no idea what Valentine's Day was, but if his mother was mentioning it in her usual regard to him and Serena, he knew only too well how embarrassing it could be. Quietly, he began to stand.

"Sit down, Ash Ketchum," snapped his mother's voice. Like he had no will of his own, Ash sat right back down and his mother turned back around. "Now, take my question seriously."

"Um..." he vocalized, genuinely unsure of what to say. Only his mother could make brandishing a ladle look even remotely threatening. Gulping a little, Ash managed to squeak out, "What's Valentine's Day?"

His mother blinked, as though she couldn't believe he'd ask such a question. Then she sighed, as though the answer was all too obvious. Returning to the stove, she placed her ladle down and sat at the table, smiling across at her son. "It's a day for showing love."

"Oh...okay," Ash said, reaching up to rub the back of his head. He didn't think there needed to be a whole entire day for that, but if his mother said it existed then it had to have some merit to it. "How come I've never heard of it, then?"

"Because you've always been oblivious," she told him sweetly. Ash wanted to argue but quickly nodded his head, grabbing his spoon to eat once again. She had a point. Rewind only six months back and he would have never even imagined that he'd have a girlfriend. Thinking back, he wasn't even sure he knew what a girlfriend was before Serena came along. "So, what do you plan to do?"

"Uh, you just told me what it was, mom. I can't exactly put together something for something in five seconds," he told her.

"Chuuuu..." Pikachu agreed, nodding his own head wisely. Ash looked at him. His best buddy really had it easy. Not that he didn't like spending time with Serena or going on dates with her, because they were honestly some of the best times he'd ever had. Even the last few months, staying in Kanto, training with their Pokémon and near each other's side, he actually found it to be one of the most enjoyable stays he had. For the first time in a long time, he hadn't actually felt restless at home.

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