Chapter 1: reflection

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It always came down to the jewelry, the most important aspect of the outfit. Most important yet so difficult to decide on which piece I intend to wear tonight. Although I don't know what makes the picking difficult. Was it the fact that the jewelry had to match my dress or that I have so much to choose from.
"Jane darling hurry! The carriage is waiting outside along with your father."
I gave a big sigh and picked a gold necklace, its chain of gold and a diamond as the pendant. It was a gift from my grandmother on my 15th birthday. After putting my delicate necklace on, I hurried out of my bedroom and to the front door where my mother impatiently waited. She wore an emerald color dress that had some silver lining to it, long green gloves, and emerald earrings that dangled from her ears.
"Jane we can't play these games anymore, tonight is an important night for you and considering all the suitors that will be watching"
Being 17, I was to look for a rich suitor to be my husband. I was exited yet so nervous because it has finally come to this moment where I must honor my family with the right man. As mother and i walked to the carriage, I practiced my walk for when I enter the ball. Gracefully and polite like I had always been taught. When entering the carriage, I saw my fathers face. He, like mother also looked impatient.
"Sophie Jane Alfideeni, i disapprove of your time management! Taking this long to get ready for a ball can cost you no husband in the future."
I shook my head, "oh father I am a lady after all, don't you want my appearance to please my future suitors?"
Father only glared at me for a moment and then stared into the window. For the rest of the ride, I admired my dress for it had been imported from France. It was gold and white silk with small crystals for detailing. Everything about the dress was perfect, from the golden frills to the white lace. The carriage came to a stop meaning we had arrived. My heart never pounded so much at a ball, I could hardly breath. The ball took place at one of the princesses country palaces, i believe her name was Princess Guinevere, or was it Lola? The royal gates were shining as if they had just been built and the guards stood like statues created from medusa. Of course it was always like this, nothing new. Same people, same music. The only diffence between each ball was the gossip. Somehow all the ladies had a new story to tell. The latest gossip was of Lady Florence, a 36 year old married woman with six children had an affair with one of her young servants. She was a beauty after all. Long blonde hair with blue eyes that sparkled even in the darkest room, so it wasn't a surprise that she could get any Man she wanted. But anyways after the affair she became pregnant but obviously an illegitimate child would be a disgrace to the family so she ran away to a witch doctor to kill the child inside her and everything would go back to normal. It does explain her lack of presence to the few latest balls but could it be true or was it all lies? I wasn't sure but it was certainly an entertaining story.
The ball room was filled with all the nobles drinking their wine and speaking so loudly to each other other the music being played in the far right corner. Suddenly my mother and father were out of sight, they most likely were greeting all of their friends and what not. I went over to the food area located next to a large window with maroon curtain, picked up a strawberry and began munching on the fruit.
"Jane so glad you can make it!"
I turn around and see the host herself, the princess. This was bad, really bad. I didnt know if it was Guinevere or Lola. If I were to mess up on her name, I'd be so humiliated, mother would disown me and father would never look at me ever again because I've known this princess since practically birth. She was older than me by three years and I felt horrible because she knew my name but I could never remember hers.  Well her goes nothing.
"Your majesty, princess...Lola!"
The princess instantly smiled and went in for a small hug.
"I heard you turned 17 a while ago, must be exciting to finally look for a suitor isn't it?"
Relief washed over me like never before. 
"Yes, i hope I can find my perfect husband like you did."
Lola skimmed around the room before turning her eyes back at me.
"Sophie I want you to come with me please. I want to tell you something."
I nod my head and allow her to take me into another room which seems to be a small library from the looks of it.
"Alright," Lola began, "Sophie, i can't believe I'm saying this pregnant!"
I glimpsed at her stomach which had no baby bump what so ever and then brought my eyes to hers in a confusing notion.
"Oh yes, no bump I know but, I know it. I can feel a child in me... also my maid told me as well. Oh Sophie isn't it wonderful, I'm with child, my child!"
"Lola im so happy for you, does Dominic know?"
Dominic, Lolas husband, was a prince from Wales. He wasn't the most good looking but definitely had a kind heart.
"No, nobody does, i don't really want anybody to know right now but I know you're not one to talk, and I also trust you not to tell. I just really needed to tell the news to somebody."
"Of course princess, your secret is safe with me"
She let out a little squirm, hopping a bit before stepping back into the ball room and leaving me alone in the library that only had one candle lit.
Just as I too was about to leave the library, her voice echoed through out the library.
"Can you just imagine how hideous that child will be, if she even is pregnant."
Chills went down my spine, i turned to a mirror next to a stack of books and a globe.
"Victoria, stop it. How many times have I told you to not show up in public!"
"Jane please, we are alone in a library. Plus I'm just having fun."
Usually when somebody looks into a mirror they see their reflection. So do I, except sometimes the reflection changes to a different person. Sure we have the same face, same long brunette hair and dark walnut eyes, from mine and her hair is worn differently.
Her name was Victoria, well that's who she claims to be. The first time I ever saw her was when I was 6. It was the night before mothers birthday and I was sobbing into my pillow because I had nothing to give to her.
"Why are you crying?"
I stop crying and instead bolt under my blanket trying to hide from whoever that had just spoken.
"Dont be scared, if anything we are alike"
I lift my small head up and attempt to trace the voice from where its coming from but nobody was in the room, not a single person. The disembodied voice sounded like a girl my age. In a way we sounded almost alike.
"Where are you?"
"Just look into the mirror"
As a young curious child, I couldnt help but to gett off my bed and tiptoe to my mirror. At first i was confused, it was just my reflection and I until my movements started to differentiate from the figure trapped in the mirror. My heart began to beat faster but I just couldn't move, i was frozen.
"I dont want to frighten you, i want to be your friend." The soft voice said.
A part of me wanted to run away and pretend this is all a dream but at the same time i was so fascinated with this...well what ever this thing was. When my heart calmed down i asked, "whats your name?"
"Victoria!" She smiled at me which was weird. It was like my reflection smiling at me when I wasn't.
"Why do you look just like me?"
"Oh silly thats because we are one. I am your reflection after all."
I didn't quite understand what she meant, but no matter how much she explained, it didn't make sense.
I always wondered if Victoria was just another conscious i had in my mind although she seemed too real yet nobody knew about her.


Hi! It's been a while. This story is just for fun I don't even know if I'll finish it but we shall see :)
-rey (or Lila)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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