Kingdoms Of The Mind

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Sometimes we want to rule the world
Sometimes we don't wanna leave our house
Sometimes we wake up at 12am and sometimes we sleep at 12pm
Weird they call us.
Unpredictable, they might be right.
To us, time is not what controls us.
We made it, we control it, we're above it.
We are alive when everyone is dead
And we're dead when everyone is alive
Dead and alive. 2 words. 2 states of being.
2 states forced upon you.
You are given life and given death
But at what cost?
Strange they call us.
Unpredictable, they might be right.
To us, life isn't what controls us.
We choose what to do with it.
It doesn't throw us in pits nor take us on rides.
Uphills and downhills they call them.
What difference are they from life and death?
Very different you may think.
They're both states forced upon us too.
We have to go through life, we have to go through uphills.
We have to go through death, we have to go through downhills.
The sun shines after the storm they say.
It gets better and it'll be okay.
Every down has an up
Who decided which way's up and which way's down?
For all we know someone could be taking the opposite way.
Their ups are downs and downs are ups
Life makes them feel dead and death makes them feel alive
They rule the world, their world, by not leaving their house.
Minds are worlds too, you know.
We rule our minds, our worlds.
However, sometimes, uprisings do happen. Systems fall. Rulers get ruled. Got the picture?

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