Broken Toy

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Her face is red, her hands balled into a fist, she speaks wearily,"I can't seem to feel myself any more... The thought of us consumes me and it buzzes around blocking out the sound of reality. Id like to believe that I am strong-" she clenches her teeth and crouches over as she begins to cry.

"-but....but" she begins balling and her voice becomes louder. "I cant! Everything thing reminds me of you! I can't even sleep in my bed without the vivid images of us...rushing at me, hitting me like a train! I want you gone, out of my life completely! But our sweet...sweet memories blind me of all the crap you've done!!"

She looks up into his bright wide blue eyes. He is terrified, he has had her warped around his finger for two years now. He can tell that she really means to leave him now. "Lii-" he tries to stop her from finishing. "NO! don't you DARE try to stop me from leaving you! I have been your DAM toy for too long!" Her voice is filled with rage. " I will no longer let myself be ignorant to your games I'm D O N E DONE DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

She looks down wiping her face and speaks in a whisper. "Goodbye my first love...thank you for the good things...but I'm done..." she chuckles, "I'll always love you." She looks up at him once more and kisses him on the check and walks away holding herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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