Bless My Situation 1 New Girl

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9th grade year - Oblivion

"I really don't want to be here." Oblivion said as she looked down at her pants shaking her head wanting to cry. This was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened in her life. She just wanted to run away. She was now waiting on her schedule for her new school all the way across town literally. She was so upset because at her old school she was use to everyone bullying her. Now she had to come over here and deal with other people picking with her. It was just to much for her.

She stood in the office alone seeming that her dad had already got her registered yesterday afternoon. They gave her a full tour of the school and her dad thought it was so wonderful of them to go out of their way to do so. However she watched her surroundings and the people around her careful and she knew that it was all just a act. She knew that most teachers at school didn't even care about how they would educate their students they just wanted to suck the children dry by giving them fees all the damn time. Knowing the less fortunate kids couldn't pay that much of a fee. And she was one of the less fortunate kids. You could actually tell from the pants that she had from her 7th grade year of middle school. And the vans that started to get a hole at the top of them because she begin to grow a lot lately. That's what her dad says all the time. He once adored her everybody once did. But since her dad lost his job a good 5 years ago from a work injury. Funds ran out, money stopped coming in like it use to, she stopped looking up to part, they moved into the lower class houses and everything has been down hill ever since.

"Here is your schedule mam." She slowly looked up and seen the white woman standing in her face. She grabbed it and examined it as she seen that she had Algebra 1 first period.

"Can you slightly refresh my memory from yesterday, because I forgot where it was." She said in a respectful tone.

"Go upstairs walk straight and make a right and it's the 3rd door on the left." She said looking slightly annoyed simply because she showed the girl the directions to her classes yesterday.

"Thank you." Oblivion said and walked out the office.

As she walked up the stairs she felt her palms getting sweaty and her anxiety started to kick in. She was not good around people at all simply because of the stuff that she has to take when she goes home. She has been through everything you could name of and she was so tired of going through it. But the person that Oblivion was she never complained about it.

Oblivion took a few more steps and moved the curly strands out her face and found herself standing in front of her class as she heard laughs and kids talking loudly and obnoxious. She became even more nervous. Because this only meant one thing and that was these kids were bad as hell.

She huffed loudly as she put her sweaty hands to the door and began to knock.

She stood their for a quick minute before she seen someone actually come to the door. She could tell the person who open the door was the teacher, by the way he dressed with the spandex and the mole on his face followed by the eye glasses and the scrunched up face he had like he was exhausted already.

He took the schedule out of her hands and he guided her in the classroom and while he did so she heard light snickers and people whispering under their breath as she walked slowly in front of the classroom.

"You were suppose to be here a little bit earlier then this mam." He said as she walked to his desk and looked on the computer to see her name in the middle of the list.

"I know but the woman said she made some type of typo with the schedule so I had to wait until she fixed and reprinted one." She said lowly.

"Well did you at least get a admit for class." He said with a hint of boredom like he been through this before.

"No sir." She said lowly again.

"Well I'm going to need for you to go back to the office and get an office pass mam, and do you remember her face mam?"

She huffed a little bit bit getting slightly annoyed, "no sir I do not remember her face but she was white."

"Well since then I'll have one of the students go back to the office with you to get one mam." He said.


"How about you Derrick since you live in the office go back with this young lady to get a office pass." He said with a smirk.

This was the first time Oblivion lifted her head up the whole time since she's been in here and scanned the classroom, to see boy's and girl's staring right back at her. And she immediately felt intimated by how she looked. Because she didn't see one child that looked under dressed, or looked worse then the other one, and it also kind of hurts her feelings, simply because she feels like why didn't her dad try hard enough to make sure her and the rest of her siblings were straight, why didn't he love her like he use to? So many thoughts ran through her mind about it and she wanted answers.

She played with her hands as she tried to take her attention off of the class.

"Man you really pissing me off, her ass walked to here from the fucking office but can't walk back by herself, you pressing my buttons Mr.Algood but imma' go though." Derrick said as he stoop up from his desk and and threw his book bag over his shoulder.

Oblivion air ways felt like they were closing as she seen the boy get up from his desk and walk towards the direction she was in. She could tell by the way that he dressed that this boy was selling dope and making hell of a lot of money off of it. Designer literally everywhere.

He yanked the hall pass off the teacher's desk and begin to head for the door with oblivion following right behind him. She walked awkwardly down the hall behind him simple because it was very quiet. Derrick on the other hand could care less, but he wanted to at least know her name.

"Aye' so what's your name?", he said peeking over his shoulders.



Sunday- Oblivion

Oblivion laid silently in her bed watching her twin brother and sister sleep. It was about 2 in the morning and she was waiting for her dad to come home so she could lock the doors because he was sometimes careless about things like that and plus she couldn't sleep because she was also nervous about the way that he would come in. This was the usually for the past few years.

So much has changed since her mother left and got addicted to drugs. She would sometimes see her mother because she would pop up out of the blue and acted like she was staying this time but will actually snoop in her kids personal items to sell things that look expensive for Herion. Oblivion was not dumb anymore, she knew that her mother was coming back  for her or the twins. And it's sad because the twins actually had hope for their mother.

She quickly got up from the bed as she heard the front door creep open slowly. She heard low groans and stumbles as she entered the living room to see her dad barely making it to his room.

"Dad what are you doing coming in so late."

"Come here." He said while turning around.

She slowly walked up to him and looked into his intoxicated eyes quickly looking down from him feeling kind of scared.

"Why the fuck aren't you in bed sleep?" He said grabbing her tightly.

"Because I wanted to make sure you got in safely.."

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to be checking for me?"

She looked at him then looked around becoming nervous, everybody wondered why she was so off about a lot of stuff this was it. It was him. It was her mom. It was her having to take on a parents position at a young age.

"Since you can't answer me go into the back room and strip."

But most of all it was him....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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