Let's get captured by the enemy

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A/N: I don't own pictures or Voltron. There will be a fight scene, and I'm not to good at writing them, so please be forgiving. I hope you enjoy.


All I wanted was a nice relaxing evening with my little brother and sister, and have a simple picnic with. What do I get instead? An invasion and capture. Good news is that my siblings stayed with me. Bad news is that my siblings stayed with me! Now, we weren't captured right away. You see, our family lives on an outpost planet on the edge of the Galra Empire. Our father is, or at least was, a foot soldier, and our mother was a technician. That being said, Dad was training us to fight and to defend ourselves in situations like now. Our mom on the other hand put a strong curiosity streak in all of us, and taught us how to sneak through places undetected, how to hack and pick locks, and how to fool an enemy. Her teachings are what got us on this stupid ship in the first place. Originally, our outpost planet was under attack so it could be taken over, and in the confusion, the three of us found the closest place to hide. If any us knew who owned that ship we would have sprinted in the other direction, but none of us did, so we entered that stupid ship. Currently the three of us are hiding in an empty part of the ship. Well, technically not empty since we're here, but you get the point. We were almost caught by a chubby, but buff soldier after he caught a glimpse of my younger sister. She was only six and half, so her slip-up was forgivable since she had little practice with our parents on how to conduct herself better, but the soldier altered his companions about his suspicions.

His companions found us through what I would believe to be a scanning, so now the entire ship was on alter for us. We fled from our hiding place, and managed to avoid capture for a bit. I guided us towards the warp engine room in hopes that the energy emitted by the engines would scramble their scanners, but my plan failed. Now we were trapped with only one safe exit, and that exit was blocked by soldiers on the other side preparing to enter. I pushed my siblings behind me, and took a defensive stance to protect them. Tension filled the hanging silence as I wait for them to come and attack us. The door opened normally, but on the other side were soldiers and their weapons pointed directly at us. They all slightly hesitated when they saw we were just children, but their guard was back up when I growled at them, showing off my sharp canines. Once all 5 soldiers filed into the room, nothing happened. As much as I knew I should fight, I also knew that I couldn't win, and if I didn't win then my siblings would be at their mercy. Guess who would win in that situation, 5 highly trained killers or two, untrained, unarmed children?

They started to talk to us, but we could understand them because we didn't have translators implanted yet. Those things are hella expensive to get and then get implanted into your ear canal. We also never had a need for them before now. I just remained in my position as the one in black talked at us. After about five minutes, I think they finally figured out we couldn't understand them because they slowed they speech way down, and the yellow one made gestures with their hands and body, but that just made it all the more confusing. Btw, are humans so hard to tell apart that they have to color coordinate themselves to avoid confusion? I can't tell because of their helmets. Sorry, back to the main point. I made eye contact with the All the others had malice and burning hatred in their eyes which made me shrink the tiniest bit back. I made eye contact with the red one, and there was this really odd connection I could feel with them. Our eyes were lock, and we managed to start a conversation with our eyes and facial expressions.

'Who are you and what are you doing here?' he seemed to ask.

'I'm not telling you anything,' was me response.

'You better answer our questions.'

'And why should I do that?'

'We are not afraid to use force.'

'If you attack me I will attack back. I know how to defend myself.'

'We will defeat you easily.'

'Then come at me.' He raised his sword, and shifted his stance into one that was ready to attack at any moment. His attack came swiftly, but I managed to dodge the blow just as quickly. This attack-and-dodge thing went on for a bit before I realize I got separated from my siblings. That ticked me off, so I send a quick blow to his stomach. He recoils back a bit, and I start running back to protect my siblings, but the blue one starts firing at me, so I do my best to avoid his attack. When I hear my brother call out, I thought he was in trouble so I diverted my attention to make sure he was okay. Thankfully he was, just scared for my safety, but the second my attention is diverted, the blue one lands a hit on my upper left arm. A short shriek of pain escapes before I can bit my lip to prevent it from escaping. I clutch the wound tight, and sprint at my attacker. They don't expect this, so I land a hard, swift blow to the head. My attack blacks them out, but I know that it'll only be for an extremely brief time.

Out of nowhere, a green rope thingy wraps itself around my upper body, tying my arms to my sides. I twist my head to look and see who owned the rope. The green one who was just the slightest bit taller than me looked back at me with fury and determination in their eyes. I returned their look, and ran at them in hopes that the rope would loosen. Again, my plan doesn't work, and the red one charges at me again. The green one joins him, and let me tell you that fighting one of these killers is hard enough. Fighting two of them while your arms are basically useless is absolute suicide. I get the red one to cut the green rope by accident, but my back gets a deep cut from it as well. I put a bit of distance between us, but they both attack me before I can regain my bearings, so I just dodge what I can and attack when I see an opening. The green one eventually grabs my arm and twists it painfully behind my back. They place their weapon at my neck, and talk at me. I don't bother responding which seems to greatly tick off the green one, and they start shouting right in my ears. I flinch away from the noise, and someone calls out, "Pidge, stop it!" My guess is that that was human for something along the lines of 'continue to shout louder' because my captor starts to get louder and angrier, but they no longer seem to be shouting at me. There's distress in their voice, and I can tell their holding back tears. I had to be wrong though because these creatures were heartless killers who wanted our genocide.

While the green one is distracted, I barely flip them over my shoulder, and releasing their grip on my forearm. I dash as fast as I can to my siblings, but I'm lifted off the ground. I can't see who's holding me since their tight grip refuses to let my head turn, so I try to look at their hand. All I can see is a glowing purple hand, and that's all it takes to make me stop squirming. The hand was prosthetic, but it was Galra technology. This thing was a traitor to the Galra Empire. This killer could and would kill me in an instant if they wanted to. I slowly shift my eyes to my siblings. They had both terror and horror written on their faces, and I needn't guess as to why. I took a deep breath before gently telling them that I loved them, and apologized for getting them into this mess. They tried to contradict me on the latter point, but interrupted them. I advised them to not say anything no matter what, and to take care of themselves. With the softest smile I could muster, I beamed at them, and gave them my last statement of love before closing my eyes, and waiting for the traitor to end my life.

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