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The rush of excitement that I felt through by body would eventually turn into pure guilt by the time the sun rises. With the life that I live, one would wonder, why am I risking it all? Well, sometimes, you have to do what makes you happy even if it will hurt someone else. Right? I hope so.

Most women my age are dying to be in my shoes. At just 23 years old, not only am I a music producer to some of the most talented upcoming artists, I also have the HUSBAND of my dreams.. or so I thought at one point in time.

Quavious Marshall aka Quavo from the Migos. THAT is who my husband is. When we met 3 years ago, he was just getting clout in the music industry. His humbleness was still plentiful at that time which meant he had a humble attitude. Ever since they've blown up and even have international clout, his arrogance level has risen tremendously.

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband. Has I not, I would've never married him. I've just been enjoying the presence of another man more than his. That man being Jacquees. Being that he's up and coming, I started working with him when he did a remix to his song "B.E.D." Which also features Quavo. From that day on, he requests me every time he's in the studio. His presence is everything from his personality down to his vocals.. everything about him is something that I CRAVE from my husband. Not to mention, they just so happen to favor and even worse, they're best friends. But wait, there's more.

Lately, I've been getting random notes on my car from someone whom I not only consider a stalker, but I also find the person quite intriguing. The things that they say on the notes are literally everything I want to hear from a man. I sometimes stare at my car through the window or wait outside to see if I'll run into my stalker but it has yet to happen.

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