The 90

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One day Mr. Dover was walking in the forest looking for people to be friends with. But no one loved him and no one liked him. He thought it was cause he sucked a worms apple crisp. Then he saw someone, he ran at them and jumped on them. It was not a boy or girl it was a something. He ran away with horror. He took a quick look back and the thing that was chasing him was throwing rocks at him. He looked forwards And than the last thing he knew He woke up in a hole With dead Rats He found a 9mm Pistol And a shamshir He Started To climb the hole walls And then he saw A guy hanged by a tree And loganpaul  Vlogging The dead guy Mr. Dover ran Again and saw the Creature. He shot the creature with the 9mm He shot The  9mm bullet Then heard a click He Shot the creature in the leg the creature made a weird sound after It got shot He ran and ran and ran Til he tripped on a leaf He looked back and saw nothing but trees and grass. All of a sudden Logan Paul came after him with a knife.

"I need to kill you for a video!" He shouted. Mr. Dover ran away dabbing with each step. Jake always told them to dab on them haters. Logan Paul grabbed Mr. Dover and stabbed him with a knife. Logan grabbed a camera and started vlogging. Mr. Dover started pooping making Logan run away. Mr. Dover slowly stood up, and dabbed one more time, before running away. 

A/N: This is what Mr. Dover looks like in case you all were wondering ;)

 Dover looks like in case you all were wondering ;)

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