New beginnings...

11 3 0

"Baby? You in there?" Keifer called from behind the bath room door.

Shit. I thought, I turned the small stick in my hand and looked at the small sign again.

positive. It read positive. I was pregnant....

I shoved the stick in my pocket and splashed some cold water unto my face.

"Miya?" He called again.

"Just a second!" I called back.

I looked in the mirror. Wow. I was white as paste and my eyes were huge.... "Just calm down Miya." I whispered to myself. But I couldn't calm down. I would be alone when this baby came, keifer was leaving for 11 months.

I turned the knob and the door swung open. "Mi- oh, finally. I'm about to head too training." He grinned down at me. "Okay." I mustered a smile unto my face. I looked him up and down, he was very handsome in his uniform. The clean digital fabric hugged his very built body.

Oh, I didn't mention. Keifer was a soldier for the United States Army....

"What's wrong babe?" He furrowed his eye brows and pouted his full pink lips.

"Nothing." I said before yawning. "I'm just tired. It's getting late."

He nodded, "okay. You would tell me about any problem right?" I tried not too hesitate to long before nodding.

He grinned, "okay. Well I will be home Monday okay? Keep the doors locked and call tom if any thing goes wrong."

Oh trust me. Not even Tom could help me right now. "Okay baby. Now go before your late." We had stared walking into the living room and were now in front of the door.

"Bye, I love you." I smiled and got on my tip toes to kiss him. He kissed me back and hugged me before grabbing his duffel bag and heading out the door.

I shut the door and leaned my back against it.... I heard the motor in his truck rumble as I slid too the floor. I laid my hand on my stomach. "I'm gonna be a mom.... And I'll have a son or daughter....." I leaned my head against the door.... I was only 19 and keifer was 20.... What was i going to do? I mean, keifer and I were engaged but still.... A baby? Abortion wasn't an option period and we didn't think adoption was right.... So, we have no choice but to keep him/her

I put my face in my hands and held back the tears. There was no use being sad, this was our fault and we would have to live with it. I had too tell someone.

I stood up shakily and walked to my cell phone on the counter.

I dialed the number and it rang a few times before the chirpy voice if my best friend filled the speaker. "Hello sunshine! How has your perfect self been today?"

I giggled, "hey Bowie, can you come over for the night?"

"Of course sunshine! I'll be over in 15 min!" And then the line went dead. I giggled and set my iPhone down on the counter.

Now I know what your thinking, that I'm inviting a guy over when I'm engaged? Well yes, he is a guy, but he's gayer than a double rainbow, Bowie has been my best friend since kindergarden. And I found out he was gay about 6 years ago.... But of course I still love him like family. And I feel safer when he is here. Since I know he won't flirt with me or anything.

I put my phone down and noticed the crisp white paper lying next to it- the paper that changed mine and keifer's life.... "Deployment notice" I whispered staring at the small back print....

Less than 2 months..... Less than two months and my fiancé, and my child's daddy would be gone for a year.... I wiped away the stray tears from my cheeks. This is so unfair.... I thought.... I laid my hands gently on my stomach, "but I promise. I'll love you forever and so will your daddy." I whispered more so to reassure my self....

4 sharp raps sounded at the door, "who is it?" I giggled.

"It's your so straight best friend!" I called back in his hilarious voice.

I laughed and swung open the door,


"Bowie!" We yelled flinging into each other.

"Iv missed you so much!" I giggled leading him into the house.

" I know right! Iv just been soooooo busy!" He added drama with the flick of his hand.

"Mmmhhmmm, busy with andrew you mean?" I winked. Andrew was his engaged partner. They would be married next month.

"So what did you really call me over here for sunshine?" He grinned from behind the counter, at that moment all the giggles left my body, all the carefree evaporated.

"I'm..... I'm.... I'm pregnant....." It came out as more of a question.

"What?" Bowie looked at me with massive blue eyes.

I nodded and scrunched up my face a lone tear fell. Then more followed, like a flood from my eyes.

"Oh no, sunshine, don't cry!" Bowie pleaded coming around to my side of the counter and wrapping me up in a hug, "it's gonna be okay, I promise."

"You don't mean that!" I cried out hitting my fist against his chest. "But I do! I promise, and hey- keifer will even be here to find out if it's a girl or a boy! That's good right?" He smiled and held me at arms length, I pouted out my lip but nodded. That was a good thing.

"Are you okay?" He asked earnestly. I thought about it for a few moments, "yes, I'm really okay" i answered honestly.

"Good, now let's discuss baby names, because as this child's uncle I demand to have a part in it. He nodded his head curtly, turned around, and started strutting toward the couch.

I laughed and followed him, it was good to have Bowie in these times.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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