The void

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This is mine completely I own all rights please don't copy o.o

I was in the early stages. They said it was nothing serious yet, but if I had any chances of surviving; then they needed to operate now. 

A tumour in your brain is something you have to take very seriously into consideration; it is not a joking matter. I wasn’t that shocked when they told me; my mother, father and just about any other relation I know had it. Like a family tradition, passed down through the ages. 

That night, when I thought about death, I got quite emotional. Thinking about that black, empty void is no easy matter. I struggle to believe that one moment, you can be playing the game that is life, joking, laughing – after all, that is what we are supposed to do. Then the next moment; nothing. Although the darkness can say so much. There are many aspects of death that scare me; as there is a possibility that they could happen. 

Buried alive? Burnt alive? Being banished to the shadows? But then I also remember what they sometimes said in ‘back in the day’.

“Peace! Peace! He has not died, he does not sleep; he has awaken from the dream of life.” Perhaps there is someplace sweeter than this bitter excuse of a world; somewhere I can be truly happy; without this monstrosity eating away at my thoughts. However, even though this fact is in my mind, I still feel petrified about the afterlife, if there is one, for no one really knows what it will be like. Still, as many people say; “you must live in the present, as it is a gift. The past is a book, and the future is a story untold – fate, if you will.”          

The voidМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя