the sins of Bear

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I was coming back from work my body was killing me, who knew sitting all day would hurt so much?! And my husband wasn't helping it either, let's say that now he decided to focus himself one hundred percent on Youtube, he had enough time to... tease me, since he barely show his face on camera, he usually ends up wearing almost to nothing most of the day and sometimes when he is a little 'inspired' he constantly send me pictures for me to see, one day I can get into trouble cause of those not so kid-friendly photos, but God I love them so much and that asshole knows it effects me.

Throwing my purse on top of my sofa was one of the most satisfying things I could possibly do, taking off my high heels and undoing my high bun, I walked towards the kitchen and putted some water in the pan letting it boil, I wasn't feeling like cooking anything that would last more than 4 minutes, I grabbed a 600 ml diet coke Cedar wouldn't missed it there are like 50 of those without counting the 2l ones.

Quietly I walk towards his office careful not to disturb him he might be recording for all I know, I walk in just to see him only in his oversized sweater and boxers his long hair tied messily, he lets out a small sigh and using his hand as support to his head, slowly I approach him and lightly massaged his shoulders he lets out a small groan relaxing on my touch "are you okay, Honey?" I whisper with a smile plastered on my face.

He pecking my lips with a small pout saying "yeah, just slightly frustrated, I wanted to make a thank you gift for the Baers... but I can't make the exact noises that I want" he turns his chair towards me patting his leg for me to sit on his lap, I do what I was silently told feeling him turning around directing both of us to the computer, I look at the duo screen watching the small sound waves that was plastered on his audio program "it just doesn't sound... real you know?"

I nodded and turn my head to look at him his hands going up my thigh slightly "what kind of sounds do you need, you can always kiss my neck again like last time" he shake his head looking at my eyes smiling and rubbing his face letting out a small hum.

"I mean you could do that... the thing is, the scenario on this video is really perverted and I don't know how you would feel if I recorded these kinds of sounds" I feel my cheeks burn with his words I didn't expect the request was going to be something like these, I feel his hands going up to my waist and pulling me closer to his body "please baby girl, do this for me... you were part of the baers before we started dating and is still a very active member of it, you do want the best for your fellow sisters, right?" he whispered in my ear making shivers run all over my body.

Checking all of my options right now is hard when there is hands running all over my body, but in the middle of it my body freezes when I realized a weird smell and a small beeping sound "shit... give me a second please" I jump from his lap and ran towards the kitchen just to find the boiling water spilling from the pot and the fire alarm going like crazy, as quickly as I could I turn the fire alarm and the stove off "goddamn so much for getting a few seconds distracted" I whisper to myself and my mind goes back to what I was offered, It wouldn't be the first time I helped Cedar on making noises to his videos I would always wear a gag to make sure the audio wouldn't be a mess, but this time is different I don't really think I could hold it back depending on how he would go about this.

Sighing heavily I let my body go on his own towards sinning, only stopping at out room to get the pink gag I would usually use in other occasions, he was whit a small smirk on his lips his face is so cocky that makes me want to hurt him, gently opening his legs inviting me to sit on the middle of it and I did just that "look, I know I have to be quiet and all, but if we go too hard I afraid I can't really hold back" he smirked grabbing the gag, turning me around and putting it tightly in my mouth, his fingers brushing slightly against my lips making me gulp loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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