Lost in DeadLand.

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"Now Olivea I need you too do me a favor." I looked up to my mother, her deep brown eyes shining down on me "What is it?" She smiled "I need you to run, to your fathers business and give him this its urgent so hurry." I nodded hopping up from my chair, and grabbing the letter I kissed her cheek and ran out the front door hearing her call after me "Be careful Olivea! I love you!" I looked back and smiled yelling "I love you too!" I pedaled all the way down the road and into town, the letter clenched in my fist my long hair flying behind me as I raced down the hill. Neighbors and people waved to me smiling and calling out a hello, I smiled wider and slowed as I came towards my father business. I parked my bike in front of the shop and went in, "Hello Olivea, how are you today?" I looked to John my dads right hand man, "Im fantastic! Wheres my dad?" He smiled nodding towards his office,  I hopped off the stool and walked back behind the curtain. "Daddy?" I walked around the corner and saw him at his desk his black hair nicely done, and his mustache combed. He looked up "Olivea, sweetheart come here!" I smiled and ran to him hopping into his lap, and he smiled "What are you doing here?" I smiled holding out the letter mother told me to give him, "Whats this, is it from your mother?" I nodded, and he took it from me opening it and reading intently soon a frown placed itself on his lips. "Daddy?" He looked to me his crystal green eyes staring into mine, "Come sweet heart, we must go." He picked me up and laid the letter back onto his desk, "John!" John came into the back smiling until he met my father gaze, "Take Olivea and get out of here." He handed me off to John and I watched my father go out the front of the store, "John whats wrong?" He looked to me "Nothing Olivea come lets go, I'll grab my coat." He sat me down and walked towards the front of the store, I glanced back at my fathers desk and saw the note laying there. My curiosity nagged at me until my hands we holding both sides of the paper and I was reading it, the letter read.

Dear Rosemary and Balthasar,

 We're coming for her, be prepared. 


                                                         The Hat. 

I looked back at the letter, coming for who? I saw John coming back and I threw the letter back onto the desk, and he walked in "Come on Olivea." I nodded and took his hand glancing back to my fathers desk on last time, John walked me out of the store when I saw my father. He was conversing with a man with a top hat on and his long beard showed, I stared at him until his eyes met mine and he smiled. My father looked over my shoulder his eyes going wide, the man was coming towards me and John who was trying to drag me away but my feet were nailed to the concrete it seemed. When my father jumped in front of the man, shouting and pushing him away I could barely hear anyone not John not my father shouting or the people on the street watching. My eyes never left the mans, he smiled at me and kept moving in my direction when my father struck out at the man causing him to look away. I caught my breath I hadnt realized I wasnt breathing until then its like the world rushed back to me, and then a gun shot rang out. John shouted running forward, but I beat everyone to my father before they could I fell to my knees beside him. "Daddy?" He looked up at me "Sweetheart, tell your mother I love her." I nodded and he smiled "Thats a good girl, I love you Olive-" I waited for him to finish his words but he didnt the air had left him and his eyes had rolled back, I sat there waiting for anything when John came pulling at me "Olivea we must leave!" I fought against him, "No!! No!!" He pulled me away, "Daddy!!!!" John ran with my hand in his dragging my along as hot tears spilled over my cheeks as my ragged sobs made me stop, John kept running until we were out of town and into the forest. The shade covering most of the ground and the cold cool dew coating everything in site, John still held my hand taking deep breathes. "Olivea are you ok?" I didnt answer I didnt have the strength I would burst into tears again if I even opened my mouth, John looked at me and crouched down to be eye level with me. "Olivea, are you ok? Answer me!" I stared back at him, his hands clutching at me shoulders when I saw something move behind him. I snapped my head to look and there came emerging was the man in the top hat again, John spun around and watched him "What do you want!" He smiled "Oh you know what I want." He glanced to me "Olivea, run." I backed away and watched He looked back and this time yelled "RUN!" I spun on my heels and took off running in which directions i dont know but away from the scene before me, I kept running and running my chest hurting from lack of air and my legs from exhautstion. I kept running until my legs went from under me and I came crashing down into the ground branches and thorns slicing my shins, I sat there taking deep breaths and trying not to cry. "Olivea, pet why do you run?" I spun around and there he stood, his eyes glowing a unatural color I backed away not trusting him at all. What happened to John, is he dead like my father? He came a little closer and I backed away even more, "Olivea you can trust me, I wont hurt you pet." I backed away even more until my hand slipped and I fell, down down down down down into pitch black darkness.  It was dark, no not dark it was beyond darkness it was utterally nothing just empty space where i floated and drifted. I dont even know if im alive or just a spirit floating the in afterlife, I closed my eyes and breathed when I felt something grab my hand. My eyes popped open and all of a sudden I was yanked out of another hole and into, well I couldnt see my eyes were still shut. I kept them shut when i heard a "You think she's dead?" Then another "Maybe, she stayed in the abyss forever." I opened my eyes to see a mouse and rabbit leaning over me no scratch that a dead mouse and skeleton rabbit, I jumped backing away. The rabbit hopped forward a little looking at me "Hmm yep she's alive alright, first one to ever make it out of the abyss without any lets just say problems." I stared at him his one eye and other empty socket staring back, "W-who are you?"  The rabbit sat back and rubbed his bone chin, "I am Arthur, and my fine little friend here is Elly." I watched the mouse hop up onto my knee and bow, and fleshy smile showing. The rabbit watched me "Now who might you be?" I cleared my throat, "Olivea Worsing, and Im seven years old." The rabbit chuckled "You my dear seven!? I dont think so look at you your a young woman for petes sake!" I looked at him as if he were crazy but happened to glance down, I had grown but I was only in the darkness for a few minutes I couldnt have grown that fast. My legs were longers, so was my hair my hands were bigger funny thing was I didnt feel any different. "What happened to me?" The rabbit pulled out a pipe and polished it before putting it into his skeleton jaw, "You were in that abyss for a good long twelve years my dead, we were just now able to reach you without getting sucked in there as well. So your welcome I suppose."  I sat there, unable to move I was in there for twelve years h-how is that even remotely possible. It was utterly ridiculous, I looked back to the rabbit as he smoked on his pipe the mouse still sitting on my knee watching me. I looked to her and carefully stroked her cheek, and she smiled her eyeless sockets scrunching in happiness. "Where am I?" The rabbit looked to me and smiled, "You my dear are in DeadLand." I stared at him "Deadland?" He nodded and hopped over to me, his bones clacking against each other with every hop. He leaned close his one eye looking at me "Yes, my dear you are in DeadLand so be prepared." I stared back "H-how did I get here?" He smiled again and picked up Elly and grabbed my hand "You my dear fell down the hole." 


A/N: Sooo vote and comment and yeah! Tell what you think should I continue or what!! so yeah bye!!

~ Sammie <3  

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