Chapter One

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"Hey, (Y/N)," Your father says, "We need to talk to you." You began to get worried as you walk into your living room and sit down.

You father turns to your mom and she speaks, "We're not gonna pay for you to go to college. And we have to kick you out, your sister's boyfriends needs your room." You discover that your mouth is gaping open. You begin to try to protest but only mutters come out before the tears flood in. You had your heart set on college. You push away from the couch you just sat down on and rush to your room. 

You grab your favorite duffel bag, the one you always use for whenever you slept over at Jenna's. You began grabbing your clothes and stuffing them in your bag. After a minute, your drawers are entirely bare. You stuff some shoes in their and walk outside after grabbing your car keys. You here your parents calling after you but that makes it worse so you begin to run to your car. You sit down and lock the doors. You place your head gently on the wheel to calm down. 

You shift the gear into reverse and pull out of the driveway. You begin to follow the path you know so well. 

After a few minutes you pull up to the familiar house and park. You get out and grab your bag. You knock on the door and stand there. A red haired person opens it up and sees your red face. He pulls you into a strong hug as you stand there emotionless. He pulls you in and takes your bag and puts it down by the door. He walks into the kitchen as you sit down on the couch. After a quick hushed conversation, he returns with his mother.

"Oh,(Y/N), what's wrong?" The mother asks and she walks to you with open arms. You hug her back to be polite. 

You take a moment to recollect your thoughts and begin, "My parents kicked me out," You plainly say. At this point, the mother had already sat down beside you, with her body completely facing you. 

"Honey," She says warmly and begins to rub your shoulder, "You can stay as long as you'd like." You can stay in Ashley or Abby's room. You look up at the red haired boy's face. He's standing by your bag, listening closely. 

You look back at the mother and nod. You stand up and walked to the red haired boy, Josh Dun, your best friend. He begins to walk up the stairs and into a bedroom, you follow him. He sits on his bed and you do to. You then turn to lay flat on your stomach on his bed. you grab his pillow and pull it into your face and scream into it. He turns slightly and rubs your back. you begin to cry. 

After a few minutes, You flip over. Josh begins to talk about something Tyler did and you begin to daydream. Thinking about if that was the last time you'll ever see your family again. It seemed like such a small thing but it was only the beginning. 

Your parents always preferred your sister over you, and they never treated you like their own daughter. But, where your parents failed you, Josh's family succeeded. At this, point you are practically one of their own. 

You snap out of it. Josh is laughing about something so you chuckle a bit to act like you were listening.  

"Hey Josh?" You ask, making eye contact with him.


"Do you mind if I sleep in your room?" You ask giving puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, yeah sure. Let me grab my stuff and I'll sleep on the couch." Josh begins to stand up.

You grab his bicep before he fully stands up and pull him down. "I meant like, a sleepover." 

Josh's eyes widen as he grows excited, "SLEEPOVER!" Josh screamed while jumping on the bed. You chuckle under your breath at the child Josh is. 

"I'm gonna go get changed," you say as you walk out to the main room to get your stuff. You grab your bag and bring it in with you to the bathroom and change. After changing, you grab your toothbrush that you kept there and brushed your teeth. After finishing up, you grab your bag and walk back to Josh's room. 

You open the door and Josh is only in shorts, riffling through his shirt drawer. You feel your cheeks get warm as you go back to the bathroom to make it seem as though you didn't see. 

After about a minute, you walk back to Josh's room and open the door. This time he was lying on his bed, fully clothed and on his phone. He sees the door open and looks up from his phone and smiles at you. You go through your bag and find your charger and plug it into a nearby outlet. 

Josh and you are laying on his bed in a comfortable silence when he breaks it. "So, what do want to do?" 

"Ummmm, movie?" You ask hopefully. Josh pulls out his laptop and finds a movie sight. After a few minutes you guys compromise on your favorite movie. You were both laying on his floor to watch it, and before it started you guys made a comfy spot with pillows and blankets. 

About halfway through the movie, Josh was wide awake but you began to dose off. Eventually, you fall asleep completely into a dreamless sleep. 


You wake up under warm covers and blankets. Apparently Josh moved you here. You gently lift your head up to see if he's still here and he is. You guys are sleeping close, his shirt is off and your hands are laying on his chest. You quickly pull them away and he stirs.

"(Y/N)," he softly mumbles, "I luv you."

You immediately blush. Did he just say that he loved you? Well we are really close friends, s maybe he meant it as that. Josh that sleepily reached for your hand and found it. 

"Stay," he muttered. You laid back down but turned away from Josh this time, leaving yourself to your thoughts. You slowly closed your eyes again and went back to a light sleep. 

You awoke again, and it was completely bright out. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and check the time, '11:27' the digital clock on Josh's bedside table said.

 You stretched and laid back down, sure to stay awake. Then, it struck you. You had work today and you had to be there at 10. You quickly shot up and shook Josh awake.

"Josh. Josh!" You whispered/yelled. 

He groggily responds, "What?" 

"Josh, I had work at 10 and it's 11:30!" You frantically got up. 

Josh shot up quickly and walked over to his dresser to get a shirt on. "I'll drive you," he said while pulling his head through his neck hole. You nodded and grabbed your uniform out of your bag. 

"Um Josh, I need to change and I don't wanna leave," You motion for him to turn away. He does and stares at the wall while you change into your stupid work uniform. You slip on shoes and the mandatory hat. 

"Can I turn around now?" Josh asks nicely. You chuckle and say yes. He does and grabs a snap-back hat from his dresser. You two walk out of the door and rush through the front door and into the car. 

Josh starts the car and pulls out of the driveway and drive to your work. You look out the window anxiously and he notices. He puts his hand gently on your knee to calm you and uses his thumb to rub your knee. You two stay that way for the rest of the drive. 

When you arrive, you tell Josh to stay in the parking lot, just in case. You walk in and clock in, nearly two hours late. Suddenly you hear a voice. It's your manager and he's stomping towards you. 

"(Y/N)! You are two hours late! Do you know what that means?" He spits in your face while speaking. You shake your head nervously.

"Well, it means that you're fired!" He yells and grabs your hat from you. He points at the door you walked in and you get the message and scurry out and see Josh still sitting their waiting. You get in the car and tears begin to stream.

 "What's wrong?" Josh asks.

"I got fired." You simple say.

A/N- Thanks for reading the first chapter of 'Together'! This is my first fanfic and the word count it 1469 words(smirk). I will update as much as possible. My schedule will be whacked because I get off of Spring Break in about two days.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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