Won't Stop Till We Surrender .

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Falling in love with love ,
like the stars fell for the sky ,
the moon for the sun and
his heart for him .

Unexpected was their meeting ,
surprisingly strong was their bond .
Ever so serene , ever so beautiful .
Love so pure , even the universe
pinched itself to be sure.

But all beautiful things have scars ,
so did their love .
Some devils slashed them with knives,
burned them with their fire of envy.
For the Devil , love was weakness ,
it had no value ,it had no strength .

Sadness filled their lives ,
and darkness became their light .
They were thrown into a cage ,
trapped with the evil himself.

There mouths were sealed
and hands tied .
They took away their pens,
they took away paper ,
so it's not their fault that their skin became their diary .
They were left to burn to death
in the hands of fate .

But even through times like these ,
they smiled and bore the pain .
Held hand and screamed ,
"We won't stop till we surrender. "

Burnt in the fire of hate and disgust,
their ashes grew the forest of love .
Where  love is free of all pain
and suffering.

One day,they will embrace yet  again ,
two hearts in one home ,
as their bodies will mingle
like sand with stone .

~ dedicated to all those who realise the strength of love and don't try to cast it in the mould of gender .
Love is beautiful , love is religion ,it is the elixr of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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