The Trial

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A/N This story is inspired by the story son of night on It's a really good story so please go check it out. On with the story!

1 year ago
Thalia P.O.V.

"Perseus Jackson!" Zeus thundered.(pun TOTALLY intended) "You have been found guilty of the charges of working with Gaia through out the giant war!" Now I know that's total bull because we were either with Percy the whole time or he had no memory. Yet the Gods still found him guilty.

"Those who say otherwise please raise your hands now."

All of the Big Three rose their hands. All of them knew Percy was innocent. Nico, The Stolls, Katie, Clarisse, Demeter, Hestia, a few others and I all rose our hands.

"All who say he be banished to...Tartarus, raise your hands now."

Everyone except Annabeth and all those who voted innocent rose their hands.

It was all a tie.

Zeus looked at Annabeth. "Well it's all down to you. What is your vote?"

Annabeth looked at Athena. Athena nodded at her.

"I vote that he goes to Tartarus for this despicable crime."

Third person P.O.V.

Suddenly lightning struck Annabeth, sending her flying through the throne room into Athena's throne just as a portal to Tartarus opened behind Percy.

"How dare you!" Annabeth yelled.

Suddenly she pulled out a throwing knife dipped in poison and threw it at Thalia.

Faster then thought possible Percy uncapped Riptide and threw it, intercepting the knife.

"Remember this Annabeth, if you try to hurt any of my friends again, then you better hope I don't come back." He said in an eerily calm tone.

"Thank you all who knew I was innocent. I just hope I can see you all again."

With that he dived through the portal.

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